Table Content:
1. Introduction
Battle for Middle Earth is a multiplayer strategy game derived from Warcraft III that uses the Lord of the Rings saga as basis for the game's content. The game has two opposing teams of five players, with one team playing as the Good forces of Middle-earth and the other team playing the Evil forces of Sauron. The two sides use their units and heroes to destroy each others spawning areas until one side overwhelms the other and the game is over.
* The Good team, which consists of Gondor (Red), Rohan (Blue), Dol Amroth (Teal), Fellowship (Purple) and the Ents & Elves (Yellow)
* The Evil team, which consists of Isengard (Green), Easterlings (Gray), Harad (Light blue), Nazgûl (Dark green) and the Mordor (Brown).
The same basic mechanics of the normal RTS is that players use their units to kill their enemies' units and buildings. But, rather than creating units like most RTS games, players periodically get units at spawn areas. These areas are the most important places on the map and. These areas are named after LOTR locations. Eg: Minas Tirith,Bara-Dur,Lorien,Isengard,Helms Deep.
The spawns can be upgraded,by building a "Castle" for 5000 gold. Dont worry you will get the gold bck to build another one when the first is finnished. Wich also means the more castles you got the spawns either increase the quantity of units or the quality spawned. (most likley both).
These spawn buildings tend to become "base aimed" for the natural reson that they cannot be rebuild and after killed the spawn will stop to function. This is considered 'lame' by some players for just the reson that they cant be rebuild. But infact considering it 'lame' is very stupid of you since there is alot of spawns in the map and without spawn target the game would never end so the spawn target is needed for a competitive gameplay sorry. There is alot of trick to learn how to defend them alltougth.
<- Isengard spawn targeting Dunharrow
Another very important part of the game is the heroes. Heroes are like units but much stronger dou to the fact that they can gain experiance under battle become stronger for each battle they survive and learn new skills that affects the uppcoming battles. Diffrent heroes has diffrent objectives some are good at killing units while others are good at spawn buildings, heroes cannot be revived (with a few exceptions). Once a hero is dead, it is out of the game forever (unlike Warcraft III). Killing heroes is the other major objective of the game.
1. Introduction
Battle for Middle Earth is a multiplayer strategy game derived from Warcraft III that uses the Lord of the Rings saga as basis for the game's content. The game has two opposing teams of five players, with one team playing as the Good forces of Middle-earth and the other team playing the Evil forces of Sauron. The two sides use their units and heroes to destroy each others spawning areas until one side overwhelms the other and the game is over.
* The Good team, which consists of Gondor (Red), Rohan (Blue), Dol Amroth (Teal), Fellowship (Purple) and the Ents & Elves (Yellow)
* The Evil team, which consists of Isengard (Green), Easterlings (Gray), Harad (Light blue), Nazgûl (Dark green) and the Mordor (Brown).
The same basic mechanics of the normal RTS is that players use their units to kill their enemies' units and buildings. But, rather than creating units like most RTS games, players periodically get units at spawn areas. These areas are the most important places on the map and. These areas are named after LOTR locations. Eg: Minas Tirith,Bara-Dur,Lorien,Isengard,Helms Deep.
The spawns can be upgraded,by building a "Castle" for 5000 gold. Dont worry you will get the gold bck to build another one when the first is finnished. Wich also means the more castles you got the spawns either increase the quantity of units or the quality spawned. (most likley both).
These spawn buildings tend to become "base aimed" for the natural reson that they cannot be rebuild and after killed the spawn will stop to function. This is considered 'lame' by some players for just the reson that they cant be rebuild. But infact considering it 'lame' is very stupid of you since there is alot of spawns in the map and without spawn target the game would never end so the spawn target is needed for a competitive gameplay sorry. There is alot of trick to learn how to defend them alltougth.
Another very important part of the game is the heroes. Heroes are like units but much stronger dou to the fact that they can gain experiance under battle become stronger for each battle they survive and learn new skills that affects the uppcoming battles. Diffrent heroes has diffrent objectives some are good at killing units while others are good at spawn buildings, heroes cannot be revived (with a few exceptions). Once a hero is dead, it is out of the game forever (unlike Warcraft III). Killing heroes is the other major objective of the game.