Starcraft2 BFME Mod

You want us to try make a sc2 BFME?!?!


    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Yea

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • What is Starcraft???

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Im an Angry German who has an computer from the 90's

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Sep 2, 2009
Note: This is nothing that is happening rigth now but maybe will in the future
So we all know that in the modding department StarCraft2 has been quite lack luster... WEll

THey annuounced Blizzard Dota wich will contain some warcraft3 models and some Diablo3 models (all that could potetialy be used in a medival map) so that leaves possibility for some models for a sc2bfme, and chatchannels are soon coming wich leaves potential for a community i guess.

So in the future (hopfully start of next year) we could maybe start making a sc2bfme, so here you can say if u would be intrested or not/what you would want to be changed from the wc3 1

My list:
1. Abit faster units (not extremly faster tougth) this is becouse the slow units limits the strategies you can use and so on
2. abit better terrain, kinda same as above the terrain limits the game abit making some tweaks here and there could help tougth
3. some more units (yes) the starcraft engine supposbly can handel loads of units better then wc3s, wich makes us able to give the gave abit more units (maybe?!?)
4. Some new intresting spells.

omg i maek? ok ? u can no map i god map. ok
this is cool

Depending on how much the content package brings you may have to wait for HOTS, but we'll see.
Things they removed in the SC2 interface:

If you press a Spell Hotkey and then proceed not to target anything with it, pressing Tab won't allow you to skip over to the next unit ( you have to press esc/cancel in SC2  )

Wireframe casting: Pressing a Spell Hotkey and then trying to target a unit currently selected ( Bottom middle of the Screen ) won't be allowed unless you click OnScreen units
(Can't prebuff with those spells that are like generally autocastable but has a manual cast ability ( the ones that give like +5damage/1armor for 60secs abilities )

Pressing M on a target is no longer going to ignore the enemy unit while following it ( It's made equal to A+Click target )

Pressing Tab doesn't make the boxes on the unit you're on bigger ( doesn't have any specific indicators for the player )

Things they added in SC2:

Auto surround ( This takes away any work the player has to do )

Wouldn't you need some of these things back in to make it work?

// Everything is based on Normal Speed, the game is played on Faster

ChoiYeonSung said:
Things they removed in the SC2 interface:

If you press a Spell Hotkey and then proceed not to target anything with it, pressing Tab won't allow you to skip over to the next unit ( you have to press esc/cancel in SC2  )

Wireframe casting: Pressing a Spell Hotkey and then trying to target a unit currently selected ( Bottom middle of the Screen ) won't be allowed unless you click OnScreen units
(Can't prebuff with those spells that are like generally autocastable but has a manual cast ability ( the ones that give like +5damage/1armor for 60secs abilities )

Pressing M on a target is no longer going to ignore the enemy unit while following it ( It's made equal to A+Click target )

Pressing Tab doesn't make the boxes on the unit you're on bigger ( doesn't have any specific indicators for the player )

Things they added in SC2:

Auto surround ( This takes away any work the player has to do )

Wouldn't you need some of these things back in to make it work?

// Everything is based on Normal Speed, the game is played on Faster

Truth i forgot about auto surround... erh i wonder there is any possibility to turn it off... i guess not tougth..
just make heros massive that can walk through enemy units too!
... right..

but ye auto surround will complicate things. the other things arent THAT bad, it can be worked around.
They also changed something with the portrait to the right from the left ( allows for casting on self quicker )

The items...

Clicking a unit in a selected group deselects all units except that unit you clicked on ( SC2, didn't do this in Wc3 unless you clicked that unit twice in the selected group )

Clicking a unit in a selected group doesn't select the subgroup within the main group anymore due to the above

some units push other units away... ( and auto surround )
German gets angry easily? oh..      i learned that every French is gay  and.... heres new thing!  im scared!
man hes so old already :/ but he got more stuf up then only this also!

Konradt said:
Voted Yes because... Yes! 12+ units per group. Fuck yeah - like in AoE!

this would be prob the only awesome benefit to having sc2 lotr ....

i played around with the editor for like 5 minutes terrain-wise it looks alot easier to deal with (fucking cliffs in wc3), but i guess the issue is all the models? can't really make lotr rw or bfme with marines and thors now...(Gandalf as a carrier?!!)
we've already talked about this topic a bit. if we are gona make a LOTR map for sc2 its probably going to look more like a combination between BFME&RW. so we can add some extra demensions to the game, because just remaking BFME feels like a really lame thing. so we'dd add another player for each team aswell.(happy ppl for that i guess) dwarves and gobos.
probably splitting up the current easterlings we have slightly so gobos have Dol Guldor and are focused on north. instead of easter being all over the map.

So imagine ME without west side of the misty mountains. from the grey mountains and iron hills to Umbar and khand.
ofcourse the north side of the map would be squashed so it isnt a big void that just has to be walked. Game mechenics would be based around the BFME gameplay, so strong heros (but not strong like RW) and important units(demis), and several bases a person. We will probably upgrade the spawning system that is used currently in BFME to a more macro based spawn. so its not just upgrading castle but you have an influence in what you will spawn.

Ah well these are just some brainspins. we'll see what happens when usefull models get released. because we cant do jack shit with marines/mauraders and zerglings..
make heros massive so you can move through own troops. but yes. its going to be diffrent. but we'll see.
TalusMageWyrm said:
this would be prob the only awesome benefit to having sc2 lotr ....

i played around with the editor for like 5 minutes terrain-wise it looks alot easier to deal with (fucking cliffs in wc3), but i guess the issue is all the models? can't really make lotr rw or bfme with marines and thors now...(Gandalf as a carrier?!!)

I'm pretty sure olofmoleman will make some models for SC2 eventually.
