Someone with HotJ bot access please respond.


Aug 8, 2010
Please ban mearl. Hes game ruining again and being a general doucher. I dont have a replay but im sure multiple people will post in this thread confirming if we need to.
he cant take a joke, and flips out and tk's ppl for saying stupid shit. so ya ban him if u can, hes a general overall disruptive player that in the end just fuck up the funness of the game for the rest of us.
Yeah, I opened a topic of this somewhere else, but now I have found this. Mearl is almost always afking, or leaving early because he doesn't wanna play against anyone but noobs. The last game I had with fox he left because he said he didn't wanna play with "nerds" and that it wasn't fair, he left within the first 3 minutes before even a single kill happened.
AS mentioned i dont think anyone on this forum has acces to the bot and even if we had would probably need promision from ancagalon to ban someone, To freekill migth have acces i dunno.
I'd suggest you to ip ban, (I had to do that with him at bfmebot, as he made fakes)