LOTR: Ring Wars Revival


Feb 6, 2011
A good amount of old noobs including myself are interested in breathing a little life into the dormant RW community.

People I've contacted include commander_crunch / nairwind / imapedophile (daemorius)/ ironhand / thorongil / entourage / redlance246 / eviljesus / elven_alliance / and kesselring if i can get a hold of him.

people i know of like DQ and KOC are around also apparently. and mmg_god.

PRIV RW. I don't think anyone will care much which version we play.

We'll iron out a date to play before long. today is just the first day of speculation. glhf post if interested or know of more nubs to play or w/e. thx.
yeah nairwind has been on alot in the past couple of weeks.

Nows a fairlgood time to have a decent rw revival because the rw bot is back. Im surprised to see Elven and Kessel in that list (although i know barely any of the others if they were known or not during my time).

I can easily get pimp and his gang, and im sure if we persuaded enough others (doom, eagle, tidal, d4rk, etc).

although i don`t remember you back in my time (3 years ago or so from Arda and RaL).
http://www.epicwar.com/maps/139611/ This one is really cool I hear.

Are those guys good? If they aren't, they could dl this script... http://wc3bfme.net/index.php?topic=235.0  http://wc3bfme.net/index.php?topic=154.0
There would have to be effort from EVERYONE in not just accepting, but TEACHING and SANDBAGGING a few games or else our old community will just fall apart even before it begins again. I miss the game and the people, however, if that's not a focus - it's useless because between just us that are left - we can't even fill a house.

Lookin' forward to seein' y'all again.

well you know I'm willing to host nub games. I think we could also create a brief strategy guide for each race and post it under a topic on this forum most likely (this has probably already been done to a degree). New players get shit on and then chased away by 'pros' who understandably can't tolerate their lack of 'skill' and so never learn the relatively small amount of information that would help them flourish.

also choi created that script to help teach nubs how to play a fierce fs. whether someone thinks it's 'cheating' or not, it can be educational. personally, i don't mind opponents using a crutch. that was often half the problem with a lot of games, people couldn't FS properly. Just another thing that could easily be explained quickly with a short guide, or by someone in-game. We could also, as a community, get some sweet footage and get it on youtube.
also, this might be crazy. but someone (wampa?) could make an identical version of the map that doesnt load a race if it isn't occupied. so it would be possible to have 5v5's or less instead of being forced to fill all 12 spots which isn't always easy to do even at rw's peak. a team could decide to not fill dwarves or easterlings or w/e they choose. even 3v3 or 4v4 is fun in my eyes.

so off the top of my head. towers/farms remain but not heroes/ unit spawns? and maybe instead of spawning units, the main bases of unplayed races would have a (small?) hp/mana regen. that way the terrain itself would still be viable. personally i'd just as soon use heroes and units that were not taken but a lot of people over the years had been unwilling to play if it wasn't a fh for some reason.
mainly cuz the game is "balanced" towards a full house.
removing players even if they preform the same role on either team wont "balance" the teams again.
ofc. point is tho, id glady play 5v5 if others are willing. more heroes to control is more fun is a way to look at it
Are you trying to remove the units? That'd be kind of gay for the mechanically superior people... It's like putting a limitation on them...
And other races would benefit by not having to walk around a certain place and just cut through a path...

What's worst in this map is that having a slot taker/laptop/second computer in the game actually made the game easier to play for mechanically superior players than having another DS kid in the game...

http://www.xfire.com/video/2fabfe/ Wotj video ( Teal doesn't like Pink I think... so he's purposely waiting there ( btw, teal should actually have gathered all the units to blue/red long before pink even gets there due to distance )

If only players could beat this timing test, playing FS is really easy...
http://www.epicwar.com/maps/109218/ ( Need to do 5400 from spells ( scaled up because the target gets 0 armor and then take 11% bonus if boromir uses horn, accounting for ~700 extra damage ))

http://www.xfire.com/video/28f3f6/ video for the above

Spawns should only give resources and players have to build barracks, tech, research, upgrade, build units with it... and build workers for additional income/goldmines
It would at least reward the mechanically superior players...

I need patch 1.21 MPQ files or Wc3 1.21 folder with all the files...
and some map called LOTR Ring Wars-DE1a.w3x for replay...

http://www.xfire.com/video/26a32f/ ( Here's maiice == sucks/ultra slow/has apm of 60 ) Duno why that fight lasted 74 seconds instead of at most 30...he's a joke...

As of this post, Koreans playing SC2 in approx 6h15m

http://img146.imageshack.us/f/talus.jpg/ Chatlog to some game that Talus_MaGeWyRM played


The last 4 screenshots are based on that chatlog ( played by Talus_MaGeWyRM )

TalusMageWyrm said:

I'm not sure why everol would stay at the teleporter with units camping, only to find out his aerial shackle was disrupted by a frodo drop, and his units eliminated upon the second casting of the AoE spells, doing at most ~100 damage to all the heroes+1 taking excess damage due to targeting. Aragorn apparently got out of being trapped via Gwaihir, landed, started chasing the fleeing heroes. Legolas, with the manual casting of the slow arrows, and the animation canceling to get a few extra shots at the balrog, and with several heroes in front to do some move target blocking slowed him down to delay for the last stun. I don't know why your teammates never tried to help you for 30 seconds. They just sat and watched pink die a horrible death instead of helping you. It's possible that everol might have killed one of your heroes had they not come.

2h39m until some Koreans play in a Team League
interesting analysis of a game i played

didn't know i had many fans


its a Global Starcraft Team league havn't you heard
TalusMageWyrm said:
interesting analysis of a game i played

didn't know i had many fans


its a Global Starcraft Team league havn't you heard
You have 3 or something from the chatlog

and 4-1 for the team league games
Well mad respect to all my known friends and non scrub gamers.

I am currently and will always be around to play ring wars :)

sry i havn't come on east...im usually on euro after classes then i do hwnk after everyone logs :\ i havn't checked east in a while

Anyone play a map by panther? those models are in some bfme

war in the plaguelands