Changelog for BFME 3.2


Sep 11, 2009
Crab Champion 2010
Enjoy reading.

Battle for Middle Earth 3.2

-Dol guldor
-Minas Tirith Second Gate
-Lorien/Guldor river crossing
-Edoras Higher Ground
-Minas Dunharrow changes, mainly pathing
-Helms Deep main gate fixed
-Khands Creep terrain changed
-indicated all river crossing edges with rocks.
-new Fangorn Terrain
-dunland slightly south east

-Nerfed Barad-dur towers
-Nerfed MT gondorian archers
-Nerfed Black Gate Towers
-Fixed Trebuchets bugged splash (MT/gothmog)
-Umbar towers moved around
-Commence tower -750 hp
-moved Tower of Ecthelion around
-removed 1 guard tower from harlond
-1 tower from dunland
-replaced dol guldor bastions by watch towers

-Skinbark; seperated spawn, spawns entings and willows.

-replace orcs on guldor by easterlings/javineleers
-replace trolls by balcoth
-replace 1/2 easterlings from khand to haradrim units. for unit diversisity

at castle3 edo spwns 2 rotms
at castle4 edo spwns 3 rotms
at castle5 edo spwns 4 rotms
Dol Amroth:
-give calembell +1 pikemen untill spwning champions, remove knights from calemspwn
-remove scouts from spwn.

-+1 soldier of gondor on 2 castles.

-Merged Lorien/guldor creeps
-moved Isengard creeps closer to river
-Nerfed marches creeps, moved them slightly west

Good side:
--BEACON vulnerable again. none catalameable.
-amon din -5 armor -1000hp
-eilenach -10 armor -2500 hp
-Boromir's Horn is now a unit skill for easier use
-Gamling banner only effects Rohan
-Nerfed Founts/champions/royal Damage/AS (slightly)
-Faramir MS aura nerfed
-Loreth MS equels heros ms now
-Thrandruil has inventory now
-Gandalf his AOE skills have been nerfed in damage and amount of units
-Edoras Return Damage nerfed from 25% -> 20%
-Lorien archer skill nerfed (100->85 dmg 2->1.5 sec stun)
-Removed Pulverise from Ancient Protectors
-Haldirs Tranquility Cooldown increase from 1 min to 5 min.
-Replaced Treebeards Entangle with a Critical strike
-Denethor has a new ulti, Mana flare ward (TO BE FINISHED BY NWG)
-Hama's Call to Arms cooldown increased from 0 to 60 sec
-Unit buy from Armory (Helms Deep) fixed
-Removed Eowyns autocast heal
-Eomers ulti increased CD 220->300
-Anborns ulti increased CD 120->240
-Theodred Starting location, easier for gather
-Cair Andros -5armor -300 hp. starting hp at 80%
-Gondor Gather has been made easier, units are more clustered
-Archers towers NERF -2 armor -200 hp
-Dol Amorth Demi auras effect own units only
-Forlongs Ulti boost +5 more daamge and lasts 25 seconds. DOL ONLY
-Buri-khan can no longer be webbed/netted
-Imrahil and Treebeard -100 hp
-Sword-master of Dol Amroth -5 max damage
-Nerfed narya AOE range
-Haldirs Trueshot aura only works on own units now
-Nerfed Dol Amroth Knight bash by 25 damage
-Imrahil MS/AS aura nerfed AS by 5% each level
-Halbarad Banner nerfed 10/5% ms 20/15% as
-Galadriel and Thrandruil now have Shadow Melt
-lorien swordsman now have normal dmg
-Coriner ulti 80->40% smaller aoe
-TB can load in ships (and for that eagle too...)
-ringed heal cd same as normal heal
-dunedain mana check -100 mana
-eomer stomp 18->7 sec
-wrath of boromir W->R
-gimli clap c->R
-HD(item) horn 55%->35%  35->20sec
-HD(base) horn 40%->30%  30->40(20)sec -300 range (move 2 spaces left)
-warden of pelargir max stock 2
-Rohan footmen +40 hp now 420hp.
+new building to buy elven scouts north of caras
+boost hero dmg dol avarage +10. +5 for duinhir
+priority dol knights/scouts/swordsman
+fang heros mana start
+dene ulti but more dmg
+gondor banner aoe check +1 armor
+fara net
+eomer +2 int
+loreth spell immune
+ringlo vale dmg/hp boost. skill blocks 20 more dmg 4 sec cd
+gondor more start units
+fang guardian +4 dmg -.6 as in melee form

=haldir aura, ranged only
=entings to strong -100 hp +1 creep lvl

=skinbark uproot remove, bigger, check stats
=holylight lvl2 +50 hp (total 500) -5 mana all lvls.
=summon horses dunh seperate building
=rohan spearthrowers wood cost to 100
=lorien 'Ranger Barracks' can summon 5 miltia for 40 seconds

Evil side:
-Poisoned Dagger Buff in damage and decay time
-isen heros (grima new spell, lightning -dmg 0/20/40 dmg -2 targets lvl3, silence 5/6,5/8 ->4/5/6, summon crebain for lurtz)
-harad demi now has inventory
-easterling +3dmg heavy armor
-replace saru cripple with siphon mana
-devour damage down 60->40, oaks cant be devoured anymore
-naz ring +1 armor
-kurgath banner nerf | longer CD and -200% hp regen.
-commence mana regen nerfed by 50%
-new spell for 4th naz, dispells aoe magic and drains 40/60/80 mana.
-mordor spearman +6 dmg
-reduce naz food from 60->40
-battery ram MS increased
-added siege damage for mordor trolls against buildings
-remove orb zuldan give ward from kulgath
-nerfed howl of terror mordor wyrm. -5% dmg and smaller aoe.
-suldan model size+, +20 mana replace armor buff by wave---test---
-udun units +5 sec cd and max of 5 stack
-buff pirates of umbar +20 hp and 3 dmg
-owyn aura harad only
-buff naz AS slightly
-naz nightmare mana cost -10
-crossbow isen medium armor
-nerf lurtz crit, buff as, remove mana heal on heal
-slight rohan rider AS buff and +2 dmg
-isen bomb can target self to explode.
-gwears aura +ms and +as, equals Imrahil aura now.
-Mumakil Priority easier for stomping
-plague aoe nerf -50/-35/0
-harad shamans heal trolls and +10hp on heal, equal to woses/priests(40)
-shagrat early summon beter more uruks on low level.
-Isens pillagers -50 hp
-half orcs +100 hp and medium armor instead of light. +3 dmg
-ward of isengard -200 range +.75sec cd remove splash
-troll spawn for ahrad is now 1/2/3/4/4 instead of 1/1/2/3/3
+naz dispell icon/tooltip/increase cd
+owyn aura fixed
+wolf -50 hp
+easterling -20 hp -2 dmg bigger scale
+less starting units isen
+-100 hp wains/rider
+check trollman (skill) -5% -25 dmg
+check corsair as +.2
+isen crossbow -1 armor
+replace isen mordor elites by isen elites, -1 cata
+endurance aura tooltip gwear
+back to old suladan
+carc -2 int
+sharku net mana
+ugluk aura nerf lvl 1 -5% each lvl
+easter banner duration -2 sec +10sec cd -100 range
+grond +2 armor instead of +3
+bomb -> undead
+saru ulti mana cost 400->250
+wk speed naz only
+mouth call units, now hero->heavy armor -2 max dmg.
+mordor roar -25sec -5% dmg
+isen roar -5sec -5% dmg
+osgi spwned bastions replace by watch towers
+barad-dur towers nolonger build units.
+isengard heal fixed. Grishnak placement.

=grima armor skill -20 mana
=crebain sight nerf
=coil lvl2 -25 hp (total 525)
=Fixed WK blade, now costs 3 mana per strike
=nerfed WK aura lvl2 -2% lvl3 -5%
=zuldan -15 mana splightly less int per lvl
=Grishnak heal -100 hp. 500->400 hp
=limited isen to build 5 lumber mills and 15 peons
=replaced mordor orcs with uruks for isen scouts.
=guldor jail summon 3 perm spiders
=dragon undead, replaced spell immunity by reduction.

-unify ALL collision
-+10 ms(5%) too all units/heros
-Recalibrated all armor and armor upgrades per level
-deep wounds skill nerf for elite units. 5->4dmg for 20->10 sec
-frost attack -10/5% ms/as
=palantir 10 charges(-4)
=numernorean armor -2 armor, total +6armor instad of 8
=fixed glamdring.. gave +1armor and +7 dmg, should be +8 dmg
=mounted fighters chance -5% to 25% chance to deal 30 dmg aoe
=all net/stuns/ropes can target air
=balanced out food costs all races
=attack/armor/hp upgrade every 8 min instead of 10
=each main explains what you spawn at each castle level