Bot access requests


I've been a part of the LotR community of Northrend since 2004 and would very much enjoy having bot access. Being in clans such as, BoO, TKoG, tR, TriU, DofW, GSD and PORN to name a few, I've also been shaman in most of them. I'm an avid BFME/SA/WotTA player, and currently member of clan BFME.

My nick is Trance[swe] on Northrend gateway. Hope I get admitted. Thanks beforehand.
frytki added.
trance i don't see you enough kinda, for my view it looks like you're inactive (atleast at bfme)
Hey Ele.

Was wondering if i could get access, since HotJ haven't got any bots atm  :-\ I'll be glad for a fast answer  ;D

Hey Ele,
I want to get control about the bfmebot because i play everyday bfme and i know much from the clan bfme
i do not kick someone for a friend or so, but i ask if he can go in.....normally i do not break the rules

Recent addition to Clan BFME. Would like access so i can host ring wars every now and then. Thanks for considering.
I'd like bot access if possible, my in game name is Zenobrand and I play on the bot a LOT, i've been in at least 60 games, and am an experienced player, I want to make in game better, and more fun for everyone by kicking afkers after a set amount of time, kicking teamkillers, etc in general, rule breakers. I wouldn't misuse the responsibility and even if I did whats the worse that could happen? Maybe just give me access to kick if thats possible.
Proudmoore101 said:
I'd like bot access if possible, my in game name is Zenobrand and I play on the bot a LOT, i've been in at least 60 games, and am an experienced player, I want to make in game better, and more fun for everyone by kicking afkers after a set amount of time, kicking teamkillers, etc in general, rule breakers. I wouldn't misuse the responsibility and even if I did whats the worse that could happen? Maybe just give me access to kick if thats possible.
BFMEBOT2 isn't running anymore, so you can't get access to it. anyways just to comment your message, A LOT could happen if you give ppl access to ban. I've spent more then enough time on unbanning ppl, who some twats banned, even tho I told em not to. giving access to ban to ppl, cus they played a lot of pub games isn't a good enough reason for me. Imo autohost bots are supposed to be there for pubs, not for ppl with access that just randomly kick ppl for friends and like. Ban access etc. shud only be given to shamans and a like imo - otherwise way too many bans for no reason. (which also takes a lot space on the ghost.db file, which isn't just like that to refresh, cus your whole banlist is removed if you refresh it)