okay, then i would agree with the ms increase for gondor. ents should also seem okay, i missunderstood the "-0.2as" in the changelog as a nerf to the attackspeed, not that it actually became faster <.<. but yeah, lower as -> more attacks per second.
Rizel said:-50 less range on towers so that you don't have to babysit your catapults that much when going against towers.
-Some more balcoth spawns mid-late game for easter, cause except mumas they don't really have any elites.
-Ents hardened skin seems to be too hit and miss 15% 40 dm reduction? rather it be much weaker but more constant so it's easier to gauge how well your units will do.
-Udun units don't have hotkeys i think? or was it rohan (when you buy them)
-Grond collission is very strange, think you need to make it a smaller model (as the collission is already big enough)
-Isengard ballista attack ground, and possibly a bit faster since they got nerfed pretty hard, and its difficult bringing them outside isengard to use cause of their ms.
i agree that they where nerfed to death lol but still giving them normal ms ud probably be ok maybe...
-Was the dm and armor grade time reduced to 8 minutes in 3.2?
-Cair andros towers? (You haven't updated the list on the forum so dunno bout it) anyawys the sentry is fine but removing a farm or a guard tower would be cool
WHY?... it changes nothing its no t towers that make cair a hard passing its the terrain
-Far harad terrain slight change, if you just ....rotate it a bit so the entrance and exit is a bit more diagonal instead of horizontal i think it would let armies flow more smoothly.
-Mordor pikemen should get a bit more range in their attack, they feel a bit funky currenlty with their clsoe to melee attack.
-Easter variags could use a slight change, they're weak melee wise, decent enough meat shields(against heroes) they don't really do any real damage they're not that fast and they get killed really easialy by good if you don't keep them away from units such as archers, pike, Maybe some kind of slow spell that spiders has that slow units down would be cool(not heroes)
They are basicly the same as riders of rohan but without crit..............
-Easterling footman is a bit weaker than gondor footman and much weaker than swordsman of dol amroth, sliiiiiiiight buff could be cool.
-With the nerfs of burrow and slight buffs to fangorn overall? I think some weak units like dunland spearmen could be slightly buffed for isengard
-Wainrider archer for easter feels a bit weird in easter army, as you don't really spawn enough of them to mass, nor do they do fantastic damage, and you can't really micro them, rather have some more easter javelinmen
no..javelinmen dosnt have the greatest damage type.
-Defend for lorien swordsmen would be pretty cool, as that would make them great against fortified positions and piercing damage as the only real use of them now is healing they can't really be counteed on to have any other role than healing or some meathshield(which they are pretty horrible at with their medium armor and 500 hp though this may overlap a bit too much with ents though. Could give them 1 or 2 less heals at max mana( needs to be thoguh about i guess.
-Uruk hai crossbowmen have really long rangeO-o (800)
-Merry could get an abolish magic type spell :O
wtf???to make half evils healing removed or what?, merry wich will more often be close to enemy heroes then ghan-buri-ghan will use the skill more when the evil heroes sue black heal removing alot of evils healing (if used in range of abolish magic he instant remove it before healing is done) and what else could it be used to ? waste his mana on removing bloodlust when he needs to be healer?
-Woses need to get some magic resistance or something, they instadie when faced with any enemy or spells
no shit
-Naz and mordor needs to be a bit harder to play, shorter castrange on certain spells on naz would probably be cool, but need to also think about what other options there is. In addition to orc spell for mordor i think another kind of ability or spell that can make mordor a bit harder. Maybe some berserk spell or something for axethrowers? WE need something atleast
that wont make em harder tougth just stronger
-100-150 range on elven scouts would be really cool gameplay wise then you could easier micro them to slow heroes, maybe a bit more ms also, but then its the possibility that they may escape a bit too easy. still around 100-200 range would be really cool micro wise i think,as its already a possibility to slow down heroes and stuff with it but its quite hard micro and gameplay wise to get in range of heroes due to their ms and melee attack.
-The terrain above khand creeps is a bit too open.
-Remove armor on crebain, a bit less evade. a slight reduction on sight range could also be justified.
-Wolf of mirkwood change to heavy armor from medium, or buff hp as tjhey pretty much instadie to other melee. Maybe even add a cool spell to them:O Since mordor felbeast is getting removed maybe give wolves or some other easter unit roar :O just a minor roar like 5% but it would be cool to have some other ability for easter on units.
-Add a zeppelin transport for isengard so they can load bombs inside and drop on enemies such as archers. ... .... ... ( )
-Is far harad changed? as the campfire and highground? + towers made it really really hard to attack that in addition to chokes, wihch can be countered by heals, but the campfire heals them up so it's really hard to take if there's an army there and you're not outnumbering the enemy.
-Lurtz and grima could be made better as there's really no necessity at all for using them, its arguably better to just level sharku saru and ugluk
-Maybe instead of having cold arrow on gondor demis rather have a 50 or so mana spell with cd on them that slows a unit down for a longer period of time than current cold arrows, would make gondor stronger against naz(which is currently a problem)
-Gondor wall archers less hp they currently have 880?
-20 more mana on harad troll hero.
These suggetsions may be horrible, blah blah blah, I will add more later.
Rizel said:Give edoras/the buildings around it less vision so evil can sneak past it without mistakenly getting spotted there.
IF you have SFX on that ......summon water elemental sound gets spammed in random moments of the game, what spell triggers it I wonder.
Make song of gondor non global T_T it so annoying.