BFME 3.3 Real, lord_Turin


Sep 11, 2009
Crab Champion 2010
Guess what, i got bored (and rizel as nagging).
X-near harad
X-minor dol guldor
X-fixed isen gate pathing
X-aragorn Black Gate Rune

X-Pathing besides river between DG, LOR (evil side
X-More units can hit towers outside black gate
X-lower upper guldor lorien crossing
X-henneth annun/ithilien

X-rebalance entings with a bit more ms(-150 hp, -0.2 as, +15ms)
X-dol priest -40 hp
X-Ranger of Ithilien hotkey
X-Forlong Slam hotkey X->R
X-+15 sec more cd to mirror
X-repair castles cost 2 gold
X-Celeborn -50 mana.
X-nerfed skinbark dmg
X-cori ulti reduced aoe, 80->120 mana. 40->35% miss
X-dol scout has medium armor
X-lorien ranger barraks +2 armor
X-workers a bit faster/slightly more hp
X-fixed diffrent hides on thandruil/gala/cele/haldir
X-rohan spearman medium
X-Nerfed Axemen of Lossarnach AS/armor/damage by .4/1/2
X-Royal Knight priority fixed
X-300 hp rejuv for QB, -50 mana on QB
X-Reduce Rope Cooldown sam/cele/duinhir 35->20
X-Theodred inventory
X-priest spawn dol (-1 start priest)
X-eagle food cost 3->2
X-ithilien rangers melee heavy armor
X-ring heal CD same as normal heal
X-new static defence in Fangorn
X-lorien feedback -1 feed back dmg on hero 6->5
X-remake faramir
net(unit skill), wave, aura, crit, --ulti?--
X-improved gondor heros AS
X-Treebeard splash instead of crit (20/35/50% 150 aoe)
X-catas on 3 castles for gond
-trueshot roar

X-goth vamp aura now works.... (mordor only)
X-Remove 2 bastions from black gate
X-shagrat FOK 60->80 mana
X-Carcacyns roar nerfed 5/9/13+ 50/75/100% from 5/10/15+ 50/100/125% -5 sec duration -150 aoe. now aoe is 500
X-Sharku aura tooltip.
X-grishnak heal nerf 300 hp instead of 400 hp.
X-lurtz heal mana decrease 90->70, increase summon crebain cd 10
X-uruk-hai berserker priority
X-nerf sauron splash 30/50/70% 200->150 aoe/hp -350 hp
X-guldor jail 1200 hp 2 armor
X-move mordor castle to black gate
X-nerf max mana burrows 500->350, heals 40->35 hp, -50 aoe
X-Olog-hai Troll +1 creep lvl 4->5
X-fixed suladan heal tooltip
X-isen bastions main gate -> watch towers
X-Saim-hai troll light armor
X-shelob hp 1250->950
x-hp harad dragon 1250 ->900
X-1 LESS muma on evil +2 trollmen
X-Nerf burrow -100 hp, +5 sec buildtime, -2 armor, remove damage
X-nerf carchost and narchost -250 hp
X-siege dmg trolls, check armor trolls
X-tower of the moon -250hp
X-carycyns raor cd comepare duration (30 cd 20 duration)
X-suladins heal check up, -2 cd, heals over 1 sec
X-lurtz crebain melee
X-Peon Undead
X-harad troll ancient fixed
X-cata spawn easter castle 3
X-removed Fell beast for mordor
-cata spawn mordor castle 3
-add open 2nd isen gate trigger

X--10 food on all races, naz -5
X-check new hero abilities for level skip requirements(grimaX,4thnazX)
X-buff gates hp
X-gatehouses remove gold cost, -250 wood
X-nerf rock wall hp, chestnut should be able to attack it.
X-Mana burn 90/140/280 -> 100/150/200
X-Balanced all Special Building Armor.
X-Workers have Normal armor
X-mumas attack trees
X-naz units, mordor
X-tower balance
X-Gate house hotkey G
X-Start creeps removed: Dol, Khand, Isen, Rhun. (the do spawn)
X-Totaly removed creeps north of Lorien
-Add a ''turn off formation move tooltip in start''

black orc skill
Any suggestions or ideas that people can provide will be appreciated, what we're trying to do is make evil harder to play so it will balance out in pubs as well as be a bit harder to play in privs also, so post sensible suggestions please. Any other changes is fine also. Do note that arguably good side is stronger in a game where both sides play well, so you can't really nerf evil that much either keep that in mind when suggesting. So go ahead!  :D
Rizel said:
Any suggestions or ideas that people can provide will be appreciated, what we're trying to do is make evil harder to play so it will balance out in pubs as well as be a bit harder to play in privs also, so post sensible suggestions please. Any other changes is fine also. Do note that arguably good side is stronger in a game where both sides play well, so you can't really nerf evil that much either keep that in mind when suggesting. So go ahead!  :D

don't think 5 seconds for increased burrow time is gonna do much

make it cost more wood

also i suggested that good could build campfires (should be a nerfed version of those that are preset on map) for 1000 wood, 60 seconds etc
dont decrease carc duration - the cd is pretty long
nerf easter cata spawn, but let mord stil spawn them early - i mean else mordor has on start only useles orcs, 2 ranged and 1 elite per spawn
rather let slam hai keep medium or make them heavy armor and for that reduce their armor to 1 or 2 - else they will die instant to gond archers
lurtz crebain summon costs supply in 3.2 - dunno  if you fixed it now
slightly buff sul heal?

didnt play bfme last month
-i'll check round carycyns raor cd.
-catas spwn 1 castle later for easter/mordor
-i think it be good to test light armor on saim troll, cuz he'll die less hard against melee, and in general there is more melee then ranged.
-sumomned crebain dont take food i think? cuz no summoned units take food..and if they do take food that be good else u can just swarm the map with crebains for free :p
-i'll check suladins heal.
-u can buy units at udun to, maybe not first 3 min, but after you can, this makes you more carefull with your army since it wont respawn instantly. Makes ppl play more concidered.

-campfires cant be nerfed further cuz its already 0.01%.
-read the entire post talus, burrow been nerfed in more then just build time...
X-nerf max mana burrows 500->350, heals 40->35 hp, -50 aoe
X-Nerf burrow -100 hp, +5 sec buildtime, -2 armor, remove damage
simply no..
we removed it so many vers ago because it was easy to abuse bugs with it, and it bugged itself for mystical reasons.

edited first post to recent changelog
... for what reason ...
and saying 'lore' isnt a valid reason
Removed posts that weren't suggesting anything or was not serious, please keep it on topic. Post bug fixes, balance issues, hotkeys that aren't globalized, minor terrain changes, suggestions to unit changes etc Things that will improve the map.
Reason 1. It could be fun
Reason 2. You could put it as a minor race so the new ppl can play it and not have to ruin games
Reason 3. It would make more like a tolkien map.
1. the location of its base would be so akward (between fang and lorien) that it would totaly ruin current gameplay, effectively destroying north. there would be extra heros, to upset balance. And your suggesting to make it 5v6. thats an absolute NO GO. 5v5 is good for this size of map.

2. there are no minor races, if one races doesnt do what its supposed to do its 4v5, so even when you make a game 5v6, you balance it in that fashion, if that player still doesnt do what it supposed to do the other team is still in favor. Best way to learn a game is to play.

3. this is such a bad BAD reason, making a map is about balance not about lore. or did u forget evil never wins in lore..

and a million other reasons.
more moria/dwarf/shire/new race suggestions will be removed.
we've been over those 'suggestions' hundreds of times over the past 4 years.
BFME is 5v5, no moria, no dwarves (excluding gimli), no shire...
if you want any of those, there is RW,TSA and several other LOTR based maps.
Treebeard splash looks cool (how much +dmg items are there in the game?)

add in a yeti camp race...its in ring wars and also that wotj one....  but people can't play as them in those....

some versions have them named wampa..
dwarven rings, anduril and herugrim(theo sword) might be nice on TB :p,
mass dmg and 15% x2 crit.

BFME doesnt reach far north enough for yetis they can only live in cold places :(
I dislike the armor change on the normal trolls, gondor can just shift + rightclick all of them an oneshot with the starting archers.

2 questions aswell. 1) isnt -150hp for entlings quite a lot if you just boost their ms by a small amount? 2) i hope gondor hero squad wont get incredible speed due to aura and now increased movement. they prolly were just increased to the "global level" of hero ms but combined with aura it can be a fucking lot.
1) ye, the troll armor thing is still a bit debatable, but we'll see how it works out in BETA.

2.1)Entings got faster movement(+15ms) and attack about 10% faster. its also to be tested, but this gives them a bit of a speed boost.

2.2)Gondors heros only got the AS(attack speed) increased to normal standards

at the moment the starting creeps very much upset the herolvl balance at start. For example: easterlings start basicly with 2 lvl 2 heros. I want to clearify that i only removed the creeps that started on the map. All, excluding those rhun spiders, will eventualy spawn after the initial 5(?) minutes. So that all heros (excluding 1 fs hero) start on even footing. Lorien spiders are the only starting creeps on the map because fs NEEDS either gandalf or aragorn lvl 2.