Beta Test Discussion Thread

Fang/ Isen is a clear problem with,  first the bugs;
Ugluk aura?
Lurtz heal
grish position
Ballista seem very weak? and attack ground still does not properly
Maybe add some kind of 3rd base to fang in north, maybe more early units spawn cause isen spawns alot more.
South isnt too much of a balance problem, seems like good just gets overpowered by a mass of units. (is commence mana regne nerfed?)
A small buff to useless things like ringlo units/militia from rohan or something. (or replace militia with footmeN) Maybe some second buy unit building for dol. (actually thats a third)
Whats wrong with Lurtz's heal? It is good. And where Grish begins is just like in the other LOTR games, and it should be a partial challange to get out of there. Other than that I agree. =D Even though I wasn't in the beta testing o.o (wish you woulda invited me >.>).
lurtz heal got bugged.. but is fixed for next beta.
and gris has been moved.

did all the shit we mentioned yesterday besides Fang. thats my mission for today.
offtopic post but since forum quite inactive no point making new thread where none will read it.
Do you all use Gproxy++ with the bots or what? since the bots do support it and it is the bestest function.
Smulgullig said:
offtopic post but since forum quite inactive no point making new thread where none will read it.
Do you all use Gproxy++ with the bots or what? since the bots do support it and it is the bestest function.
WTF is "bestest"?
best already implies it being greatest...

-est suffix isn't needed
Evil seems stronger south they seem to have more units in start, and they seem to powerthrough even if good has more army after start battle. so maybe increase good start spawn by 2 units or so (south) and decrease naz starting units by a few.
Slight near harad change, remove a couple of trees to make it SLIGHTLY more open
MT gate seems really small but probably cause its moved.
Reason evil wins start battles seem to be cause of commence, so hard to balance after it : /, but if gondor manages to use loreth properly the tide may change.

NORTH: Didn't play it really so others can comment.
idk but one game this easter recall thing is kinda strong to fight off...makes you play fairly defensively as an easter can just rush a spawn rape it and recall ?_? kinda makes committing to taking out enemies pretty hard

dunno if its rigged to you guys but i think theres a good reason why recall in sc2/sc1 is not an easy thing to tech up to.
cause in sc a production building dont have 5000 hp +25armor and always a few tower =?
or because there are no flying transporter =?
TalusMageWyrm said:
idk but one game this easter recall thing is kinda strong to fight off...makes you play fairly defensively as an easter can just rush a spawn rape it and recall ?_? kinda makes committing to taking out enemies pretty hard

dunno if its rigged to you guys but i think theres a good reason why recall in sc2/sc1 is not an easy thing to tech up to.

sc1 makes arbiters quite common, but you'll almost never see a mothership in sc2 ( a nerfed stasis( stops units for 40 secs ) / unit capped to 1 / costs so many resources / recall name changed to "mass" recall
they were pretty much required vs T

it's just their way of balancing for gray
arbiter were also quite fast as i RECALL ... HAHA UNDERSTOOD?
well without them protos would have been owned by siege tank all time
man i have free today cause so much snow
Easter recall is not as strong as it seems, its a good spell alrigth but alot player consider bloodlust b etter since it helps u in battles...(low mana cost low cd)

mainly becouse easters heroes and army is much needed in the normal battles to win having army on other places taking out spawn can be meh, but i tcan be stron g in certain times sure, but dont let it get u defensive just ignore it really...

if you talk from a pub game its obs gonna be strong since pubs rearly teamplay...

the thing to wind heros back from battle when ur lossing sucks hard aswell, becouse then you leave ur allies to die basicly, the less heroes they got when running away from a battle for example the harder to stay alive they have..

and on the starcraft topic yep recall in bw is easier to get then in sc2, infact if i remember rigth the researhc upgrade for recall in bw is only 12 seconds, and the need of templar archives and stargate... and as mentioned without arbiter protoss would be pritty sucky versus siege tanks and similare
well wind can be good, but ova is the best/one of the best heroes on evil, so evil can't afford having him away from battle. Besides you can still use wind with ova in battle - make good focus easter melee heroes (gwaer & kurg) by tanking, that way they won't aim allies heroes - then when they get to low hp wind with ova heal up with zuldan in a sec and you're back in the battle 2-3 secs after.

trueshot aura effects ents aswell (bug I believe)
yes, that'll be fixed in next ver.

This is what we got from latest BETA:
haldir trueshotaura
entings to strong -100 hp +1 creep lvl
grima -armor skill -20 mana
crebain sight nerf
skinbark uproot remove
zuldan mana
bigger skinbark, check stats
if skinbark remains hero armor he should get alot more else hes way to easy targetable
grima -armor lv 3 can be skilled at lv 4 already
the tower of the new rohan outpost should be abit more south so you can send crebains into position without 5shiftmoves
lorien should get a short summon unit abbility like dolg to prevent units with medium armor to deal to much dm in few numbers because lorien tower deal heavy dm
haldir aura should only be 7/14/20 if it affects melee to
give celeborn a holy light instead of crit or make gala heal slightly les cd?
sharku net should either cost les mana or have les cd because of the mana cost
the 2 "main" tower of dolg should stil be bastions instead of watch tower
maybe remove a tower from dunland?
haldirs aura only supposed to effect ranged units.
im still skeptic about a 2nd heal for fang.. will concider it.
towers at guldor i think should remain watch towers. so lorien has an option to rush guldor if rohan defends fang.
i'll remove 1 watch tower from dunland so its easier for fang to harras/kill.

the summon skill in lorien is conciderable, i'll have a look at it.
i'll check grima skill too.
skinbark gona have fort armor. since hes a base now he'll have base hp/armor
Battle for Middle Earth 3.2

-Dol guldor
-Minas Tirith Second Gate
-Lorien/Guldor river crossing
-Edoras Higher Ground
-Minas Dunharrow changes, mainly pathing
-Helms Deep main gate fixed
-Khands Creep terrain changed
-indicated all river crossing edges with rocks.
-new Fangorn Terrain

-Nerfed Barad-dur towers
-Nerfed MT gondorian archers
-Nerfed Black Gate Towers
-Fixed Trebuchets bugged splash (MT/gothmog)
-Umbar towers moved around
-Commence tower -750 hp
-moved Tower of Ecthelion around
-removed 1 guard tower from harlond
-1 tower from dunland
-replaced dol guldor bastions by watch towers

-Skinbark; seperated spawn, spawns entings and willows.

-replace orcs on guldor by easterlings/javineleers
-replace trolls by balcoth
-replace 1/2 easterlings from khand to haradrim units. for unit diversisity

Dol Amroth:
-give calembell +1 pikemen untill spwning champions, remove knights from calemspwn
-remove scouts from spwn.

-+1 soldier of gondor on 2 castles.

-Merged Lorien/guldor creeps
-moved Isengard creeps closer to river
-Nerfed marches creeps, moved them slightly west

Good side:
--BEACON vulnerable again. none catalameable.
-amon din -5 armor -1000hp
-eilenach -10 armor -2500 hp
-Boromir's Horn is now a unit skill for easier use
-Gamling banner only effects Rohan
-Nerfed Founts/champions/royal Damage/AS (slightly)
-Faramir MS aura nerfed
-Loreth MS equels heros ms now
-Thrandruil has inventory now
-Gandalf his AOE skills have been nerfed in damage and amount of units
-Edoras Return Damage nerfed from 25% -> 20%
-Lorien archer skill nerfed (100->85 dmg 2->1.5 sec stun)
-Removed Pulverise from Ancient Protectors
-Haldirs Tranquility Cooldown increase from 1 min to 5 min.
-Replaced Treebeards Entangle with a Critical strike
-Denethor has a new ulti, Mana flare ward (TO BE FINISHED BY NWG)
-Hama's Call to Arms cooldown increased from 0 to 60 sec
-Unit buy from Armory (Helms Deep) fixed
-Removed Eowyns autocast heal
-Eomers ulti increased CD 220->300
-Anborns ulti increased CD 120->240
-Theodred Starting location, easier for gather
-Cair Andros -5armor -300 hp. starting hp at 80%
-Gondor Gather has been made easier, units are more clustered
-Archers towers NERF -2 armor -200 hp
-Dol Amorth Demi auras effect own units only
-Forlongs Ulti boost +5 more daamge and lasts 25 seconds. DOL ONLY
-Buri-khan can no longer be webbed/netted
-Imrahil and Treebeard -100 hp
-Sword-master of Dol Amroth -5 max damage
-Nerfed narya AOE range
-Haldirs Trueshot aura only works on own units now
-Nerfed Dol Amroth Knight bash by 25 damage
-Imrahil MS/AS aura nerfed AS by 5% each level
-Halbarad Banner nerfed 10/5% ms 20/15% as
-Galadriel and Thrandruil now have Shadow Melt
-lorien swordsman now have normal dmg
-Coriner ulti 80->40% smaller aoe
-TB can load in ships (and for that eagle too...)
-ringed heal cd same as normal heal
-dunedain mana check -100 mana
-eomer stomp 18->7 sec
-wrath of boromir W->R
-gimli clap c->R
-HD(item) horn 55%->35%  35->20sec
-HD(base) horn 40%->30%  30->40(20)sec -300 range (move 2 spaces left)
-warden of pelargir max stock 2
-Rohan footmen +40 hp now 420hp.
+new building to buy elven scouts north of caras
+boost hero dmg dol avarage +10. +5 for duinhir
+priority dol knights/scouts/swordsman
+fang heros mana start
+dene ulti but more dmg
+gondor banner aoe check +1 armor
+fara net
+eomer +2 int
+loreth spell immune
+ringlo vale dmg/hp boost. skill blocks 20 more dmg 4 sec cd
+gondor more start units
+fang guardian +4 dmg -.6 as in melee form

=haldir aura, ranged only
=entings to strong -100 hp +1 creep lvl
=skinbark uproot remove, bigger, check stats
=holylight lvl2 +50 hp (total 500) -5 mana all lvls.

Evil side:
-Poisoned Dagger Buff in damage and decay time
-isen heros (grima new spell, lightning -dmg 0/20/40 dmg -2 targets lvl3, silence 5/6,5/8 ->4/5/6, summon crebain for lurtz)
-harad demi now has inventory
-easterling +3dmg heavy armor
-replace saru cripple with siphon mana
-devour damage down 60->40, oaks cant be devoured anymore
-naz ring +1 armor
-kurgath banner nerf | longer CD and -200% hp regen.
-commence mana regen nerfed by 50%
-new spell for 4th naz, dispells aoe magic and drains 40/60/80 mana.
-mordor spearman +6 dmg
-reduce naz food from 60->40
-battery ram MS increased
-added siege damage for mordor trolls against buildings
-remove orb zuldan give ward from kulgath
-nerfed howl of terror mordor wyrm. -5% dmg and smaller aoe.
-suldan model size+, +20 mana replace armor buff by wave---test---
-udun units +5 sec cd and max of 5 stack
-buff pirates of umbar +20 hp and 3 dmg
-owyn aura harad only
-buff naz AS slightly
-naz nightmare mana cost -10
-crossbow isen medium armor
-nerf lurtz crit, buff as, remove mana heal on heal
-slight rohan rider AS buff and +2 dmg
-isen bomb can target self to explode.
-gwears aura +ms and +as, equals Imrahil aura now.
-Mumakil Priority easier for stomping
-plague aoe nerf -50/-35/0
-harad shamans heal trolls and +10hp on heal, equal to woses/priests(40)
-shagrat early summon beter more uruks on low level.
-Isens pillagers -50 hp
-half orcs +100 hp and medium armor instead of light. +3 dmg
-ward of isengard -200 range +.75sec cd remove splash
-troll spawn for ahrad is now 1/2/3/4/4 instead of 1/1/2/3/3
+naz dispell icon/tooltip/increase cd
+owyn aura fixed
+wolf -50 hp
+easterling -20 hp -2 dmg bigger scale
+less starting units isen
+-100 hp wains/rider
+check trollman (skill) -5% -25 dmg
+check corsair as +.2
+isen crossbow -1 armor
+replace isen mordor elites by isen elites, -1 cata
+endurance aura tooltip gwear
+back to old suladan
+carc -2 int
+sharku net mana
+ugluk aura nerf lvl 1 -5% each lvl
+easter banner duration -2 sec +10sec cd -100 range
+grond +2 armor instead of +3
+bomb -> undead
+saru ulti mana cost 400->250
+wk speed naz only
+mouth call units, now hero->heavy armor -2 max dmg.
+mordor roar -25sec -5% dmg
+isen roar -5sec -5% dmg
+osgi spwned bastions replace by watch towers
+barad-dur towers nolonger build units.
+isengard heal fixed. Grishnak placement.

=grima armor skill -20 mana
=crebain sight nerf
=coil lvl2 -25 hp (total 525)
=Fixed WK blade, now costs 3 mana per strike
=nerfed WK aura lvl2 -2% lvl3 -5%
=zuldan -15 mana splightly less int per lvl
=Grishnak heal -100 hp. 500->400 hp

-unify ALL collision
-+10 ms(5%) too all units/heros
-Recalibrated all armor and armor upgrades per level
-deep wounds skill nerf for elite units. 5->4dmg for 20->10 sec
-frost attack -10/5% ms/as
=palantir 10 charges(-4)
=numernorean armor -2 armor, total +6armor instad of 8
=fixed glamdring.. gave +1armor and +7 dmg, should be +8 dmg

Blue and Red are a result of beta testing..
Edoras spawn rotm too fast, also the place where they spawn is weird(right above the farm, theyre kinda hidden)
rohan spearmen should cost 100 wood
- make heroes stuns (net, rope) able to stun air, as dragons are kinda zz, when you can't stun em.
- there's a minor path bug at dol top - the walls on the left side, units can walk on some of the walls
- make dragons undead, so you can coil/nuke em with heal.
all three good suggestions. will have a look at them.

i just checked. most nets/stuns/rope already can hit air, excluding faras net, but i edited that now.