Battle For Middle Earth 4.4

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jonas
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Sep 2, 2009
BFME 4.4 Changelog:

-Additional fixes to things related to join command. (Less text spam, needs 4 instead of 5 to vote etc.)
-Observer multiboard now records correct max food for evil (425).
-Player Observers should no longer lose vision of Saruman going third faction.
-Player Observers now get messages about hero deaths.
-Slight terrain changes around Near Harad, abit more high ground betwen Near Harad and Haradwaith
-Some slight changes in the area around where Imrahil starts, with some additional high ground.
-Some slight changes to Khand area and visiual changes to the base.
-The creep spawn around Khand has been moved slightly.

-New spell that replaces bash for Denethor: Foresight of Denethor, active cast, last 15 seconds, will during this time block the first 2/3/4 offensive spells cast by enemy heroes, and silencing the hero for 4 seconds.
-Denethor has a new ultimate: Spirit of Númenor, spawns a pheonix for 60 seconds, that has strong AoE attacks and bash.

-New spell that replaces critical strike for Eomer: Oath of Rohan, active cast, lasts for 30 seconds, all Rohan units in 800 range of Eomer has a 33% chance to instantly gain 30/50/70% of their max health back upon dying.
-New spell that replaces critical strike for Gamling: Sundering Arrows, active cast, lasts for 30 seconds, like a roar this only applies to the unit close by while the spell is cast, gives all the rohan unit hit by the buff 20/30/40% chance to evade ranged attacks.
-Eowyns Shield Maiden spell now has a 20/30/40% chance to crit instead of 15/25/35%, and will crit for 3/4/5 times the damage instead of 2/3/4 times the damage, it also now has a 20/30/40% chance to dodge instead of a 15% chance to dodge.
-Eowyns Determination now increases her movement speed by 20/25/30% instead of 15/20/25% and attack speed by 30/40/50% instead of 20/25/35%

-Elven workers can now build gate houses.
-New spell for Celeborn, replacing his passive which will become an upgrade costing wood instead. His new spell ”King of Lothlorien”, transforms 3/5/7 Lorien Swordsman within range of Celeborn into Champions of Celeborn for 60seconds which after they turn back into Lorien Swordsmen, in this form they have 300 more health, 6 more armor, hero damage, hero armor, 20% splash attack and 10 more base damage.

-Fires of Isengard now deals 100 damage per unit per wave, instead of 60, and now have a max damage of 1600 per wave instead of 600.

-Gwears ulitmate vortex now deals 300 damage instead of 275 damage.

-Fissure path blocking rocks now last 8 seconds instead of 6 seconds.

-New ultimate for Dwar, Death Pact: Basicly an aura that works like a spirit link, only the 9 Nazguls can get the buff, when a Nazgul under the aura is hit by any type of damage, 20% of it will be redistributed to other Nazguls under the aura
-New ultimate for Akorahil, Harvest Magic: active cast, lasts 30 seconds, during the 30 seconds the spell is active, any enemy cast spell will cause the Nazgul to gain half of the mana cost of those spells distributed to all nazguls alive in range. So as math example, if a spell is cast that cost 180mana, 90 of that mana will go to the Nazgul, and if in this example 9 Nazguls are alive and in range, they get 10 mana each.
-New ultimate for Hoarmurath: Shadows Reach, basicly a ranged spell with AoE targeting image (like flame strike or silence), that will slam enemys in the AoE (slow attack and movement speed)
-New ultimate for Khamul: Shadows Impale, sends a impaling wave forth, stunning all enemys hit for 2 seconds and dealing 100 damage.
-Khamuls old ultimate has been moved to Adunaphel
-Wraith of Morguls curse spell now lasts 20 seconds on units instead of 15 seconds, causes a 30% miss chance instead of 20%, and cost 5 less mana (10 mana instead of 15 mana)


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