Battle For Middle Earth 4.3f


Sep 2, 2009
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BFME 4.3f Changelog:

-Added a message when people vote -yes on join command, fixed issue with recruiting units. the vote is now for 30 seconds instead of 20 seconds, and some other small improvments.

-Beregonds healing item is now in the first slot instead of 4th slot.
-Damrod/Mablungs shockwaves now have a max damage of 800 instead of 900.
-Warrior of Ringlo Vales movement speed is now 235 instead of 240.

-Grimbolds movement speed is now 300 instead of 290.
-Captain of Rohans movement speed is now 300 instead of 285.
-Mounted Spearthrowers movement speed is now 300 instead of 290.

Dol Amroth:
-Derufin and Duilin movement speed is now 290 instead of 285.

-Merry has a new ultimate called "Longbottom Leaf Respite", that increases all fellowships heroes life regeneration by 100% and decreases durations of enemy stuns on fellowship heroes by up to 50%. Lasts 30 seconds.
-Pippin now has Merrys old ultimate Fireworks, Mighty Stab removed.
-Sneaky Hobbit now has 15/20/25% spell reducation aswell as the standard evasion. However the spell reduction does not work versus Gollum.

-Elven Exarchs movement speed is now 235 instead of 245.

-Added 2 more starting Uruk-Hai Crossbowmen

-Ulfangs movement speed is now 300 instead of 290.
-Corrupted Bears movement speed is now 260 instead of 265.
-Variags of Khands movement speed is now 300 instead of 290.

-Black Numenorians now have an indicator explaining the orb effect they have on attacks.
-Mumakils now have a health regen of 1 per second instead of 0.25 per second.

-Uvatha (9th of the Nazgul) got a new ulti replacing his single target mana burn, "Soul Rend" - targets an aoe of 300, all enemy units hit takes an additional 20% damage from spells for 10 seconds. Can be dispelled.
-Ren (8th of the Nazgul) got a new ulti replacing his single target mana burn, "Fear", targets all enemy units around him disabling all normal attacks (melee and ranged) for 6 seconds. Can be dispelled.

-Balrog is now level 10 instead of level 8. (Gives more xp)
-Troll Conjurers movement speed is now 240 instead of 235
-Olog-Hai and Saim-Hai trolls now have 100 range instead of 70.
-Black Uruk Elites now have a health regen of 2 instead of 3, but they regen always instead of only on blight.

