Battle For Middle Earth 3.9

Released on 18/8 2018.

-New terrain in Harad.
-New terrain for easter, Rhun and Guldur has changed positions.
-New terrain for easter, Khand has changed position.
-New terrain in mordor, espacialy around mount doom.
-Slight changes to Osgiliath terrain.
-Slight changes to Isengard terrain.
-Moved the ring drop area to the top rigth corner.
-Removed Henneth Annun area
-Alot of icons have been fixed to follow the Wc3 standard.
-Event indicators are now clickable and gives information about the event.
-New capturable westfold added.
-New capturable bay of belfalas added
-Osgiliath (Capturable) has moved abit closer to the river
-Old capturable Cirith Gorgor removed and a replacement is added in the dead marches.
-Controlling middle earth is now changed to “Controlling Southern Middle Earth” and only gives
the speed boost on the southern parts of the map, 5% speed boost instead of 10%.
-There is now a new controll buff, called "Controlling Northern Middle Earth", its gained by taking
East Emnet and the new capturable Westfold,
It grants 25% increased health regeneration. This is a rather weak aura in comparison to the
southern but its easier to gain and good side starts
with it. Its also good for the elven Ents units that have a high standrad health regeneration.
-Buildings capable of selling or summoning units now has an effect hovering above them to make it
clear they are special buildings.
-Global max speed is now 380 instead of 320.
-Fixed some toltips
-Fixed the creep respawn system so it works as intended. It worked in the last version but not as
intended, sometimes the units spawned abit outside there intended spawning area.
-The enemies main bases (spawns) are now explored at the start, so its easier for new player and
old players who have not played in awhile to find them.
-Multiboard now display faction names as intended.
-Remade the capturable ”system”
-Gave Near Harad and East Emnet an additional 500 health becouse they had 500 health less then
all other capturables.
-Evil can no longer build Rangers of Ithilien in Harlond (BFME 3.8 Beta bug)
-Added additonal flavour text when certain spawns die
-”-cam xxxxx” command should work again
-Added new observer multiboard and text specific for observers, Also added so the camer will
automaticly go back to 2750 for observers.
-Defend now reduces magic damage by 25%, prevoiusly the description said 50% but it was
incorrect it actualy reduced magic damage by 0%.
-Owynvan and Ovatha ring hero does no longer stop evil from getting sauron once dead, but evil
will spawn a weaker sauron. Also owynvan and ovatha do no longer get deselected/degrouped
once becoming ring heroes.
-Beacon of Gondor now lasts 30 seconds instead of 40 seconds
-Mumakils war stomp does no longer cause terrain deformation.
-Easterlings banner now gives a 30% speed increase instead of a 160% speed increase
-The W3MMD standard has been implemented tracks win, loss, leaver, unitkills,herokills, migth
implement more things later. It will flag a leaving player as a winner if the game is won within 3
minutes of the player leaving.
-All slams now no longer cause terrain deformation.
-Removed Hero glow on elven scout, royal knight and warden of pelagir
-Optimized some stuff, game should run faster.

-Gondor starting food is now 87 instead of 94 food as it was prevoiusly. The follwing units where
-Removed 2 of the starting Soldier of Gondor from starting units.
-Removed 1 Ranger of Ithilien from starting units
-Removed 1 Archer from starting units.
-Removed 2 Warrior of Ringlo Vale from starting units.
-Faramir net now cost 50 mana
-Huirlin heroic charge is 10 mana cheaper.
-Hirluin now has 10 more mana
-Faramir no longer have melee form.
-Hurilin charge now only works on gondor.
-Faramir event is now fired by standing close to the rune outside Henneth Annun.
-Will of Man (Anborn) is now hotkey G instead of N

-Added a starting worker.
-Westfold is a new capturable that rohan holds at the start.
-Theodred now starts with a healing item
-Battlerage on Grimbolds hotkey is changed from B to R.
-Fixed Gamlings toltip for his spell "Muster of the Rohirrim" wich had wrong values on cooldown.
-Rohans has a new unit "Defender of Helms Deep" that has a self heal abbilitey.
-Added description to the Riderless horses in the Helms Deep Stable.
-Corrected Banner of Rohans description, now says 10% movment speed boost instead of 12%.
-Banner of Rohan is no longer an active item. It is a passive item (as it should be)

Dol Amorth:
-New event for Corinir called ”Corinirs Landing” at a rune close to the shore of umbar. The event
spawns 5 Sword-Master of Dol Amroth, 6 Archers, 1 Knight of Dol Amroth and 1 Frigate. Requires
Corinir being level 3
-Scouts camoflauge skill now work abit diffrently. When used the scout fakes his death and hides in
a bush like before but now also a corpse is spawned next to it. The bush becomes a neutral
passive and the corpse is untargetable. This makes it so that enemy units do not auto attack
anymore but evil side actualy have to target attack the bush. The corpse can be selected
by the player and from there you can turn the scout back to moveable form. If the bush is targeted
and killed the corpse is removed.
-Imrahil spear now cost 40 mana instead of 70
-Fixed Forlongs ultimate hotkey toltip to display the correct hotkey.

-Frodos AoE stun ”Vial of Galadriel” hotkey is now T instead of E
-Merry has a new ultimate that replaces his old dagger ability, His new ultimate is called “Power of
friendship” and creates a spell shield on all fellowships heroes that can take 150 damage.
-Merry and Pippin both have sprint as a starting skill
-Pippin now has a new passive replacing his old dodge passive, His new passive called “Beacon of
Gondor” adds at level 1 25% extra mana regeneration to the beacons of gondor, at level 2 beacon
now also effect Dol Amorth and at level 3 it also adds elves/fangorn to the effect of beacon of
-Redid ring drop triggers, it should now no longer be a 3 seconds delay before you can ring drop
after gollum is dead.
-Frodos Ring Walk should now create a ping for nazgul as intended when used.
-Boromirs ”Horn of Gondor” hotkey is now F instead of R
-Boromirs ”Will of Man” is now hotkey G instead of N
-Pippin ”Mighthy Stab” is now hotkey T instead of B

-Celeborn has a new passive replacing his Elven Agility (Crit/Dodge) to a new passive called
“Defence of Lothlorien” that grants the ranger house summon in lorien 2/4/6 additional milita
upon summon and it makes 4/6/8 elven ranger (+200hp and +10 base damage from normal elven
range) appear on the ramp above lorien to protect it every nigthfall until the approach of day. If
killed they do not return.
-Skinbark can now move again when Treebeard reaches level 6. This was removed by mistake in an
earlier version.
-Elven exarch ability is fixed (bugged in 3.8 Beta)
-Protectors no longer has ”Eat Tree” when rooted.
-Quickbeam hurl rock is now T instead of R
-Treebeards and Quickbeams big steps now gives a 30% speed increase instead of 140%.
-Ancient Huorn is now buildable for 500 wood by wisps

-Fixed the description of grishnakh ”Black water of Mordor” healing spell, it said 150 health healed
even tougth the spell heals for 300health.
-The library of orthanc now spawns books again (removed in earlier versions due to a bug that is
now fixed) every 240 seconds. It has a chance to spawn following books:
22.222...% chance to spawn "Histories of Middle Earth" gives +1 intelligence
22.222...% chance to spawn "Goblin Stretches" gives +1 agility
22.222...% chance to spawn "100 Recipes " gives +1 strength
11.111...% chance to spawn "History of Valinor " gives +2 intelligence
11.111...% chance to spawn "Fingolfin's Tales " gives + 2 agility
11.111...% chance to spawn "Troll Bulking " gives +2 strength
-When isengard captures Westfold (New Capturable base) it will spawn 1 half-orc and 1 dunlend
spearman every 110seconds.
-Sharkus war stomp does no longer cause terrain deformation.
-Sarumans Siphon Mana now work on allied heroes, if used on an allied hero saruman will transfer
mana from his own mana pool to that hero.

-Starting Catapult moved from Khand to Rhun
-Ulfang no longer has chain heal
-Kurgath now has an AOE heal that heals all allies within range for 50/100/150 health.
-Zuldan absorb mana is now a unit skill instead of a levelable skill
-Zuldan now has a spell called “Conjure Illusions” a AOE target spell that creates illusions of
10/12/14 targeted allied units, they take 300/250/200% damage from hits and last 40 seconds.
-Kurghats ”Blood Banner” hotkey is now F.
-Ulfang has chain dispel now.
-Rhun spawn split up so that the mounted archer spawns seperatly
-Javilneer that spawned at Dol Guldur now spawns at Khand.
-Kurggaths slam now deals 10 more damage level 2.

-Wildman of Harad is now classified as undead
-Suludans ”Blood Mark” now heals for the correct amount, it healed for 33% more then it should
-Mumakils big steps now gives a 45% speed increase instead of a 120% speed increase.
-Far Harad is split into two spawns, one still called Far-Harad and the other called Haradwaith.
Far Harad (Old) Spawns
Castle1: 1 Troll-Man of Harad, 1 Haradrim
Castle2: 2 Troll-man of Harad, 2 Haradrim
Castle3: 3 Troll-men of Harad, 2 Haradrim, 1 Harashin
Castle4: 4 Troll-men of Harad, 2 Haradrim, 1 Harashin, 1 Mumakil
Castle5: 5 Troll-men of Harad, 3 Haradrim, 1 Harashin, 1 Mumakil
Umbar (Old) Spawn
Castle1: 2 Pirates, 1 Corsair of Umbar, 1 Wildman of Harad
Castle2: 4 Pirates, 2 Corsairs of Umbar, 1 1 Wildman of Harad, 1 Black Numenorian,
Castle3: 4 Pirates, 2 Corsairs of Umbar, 1 Wildman of Harad, 2 Black numenorians, 1 Shaman
Castle4: 4 Pirates, 2 Corsairs of Umbar, 1 Wildman of Harad, 2 Black numenorians, 2 Black
Numenorian Elites, 1 Shaman
Castle5: 4 Pirates, 3 Corsairs of Umbar, 1 Wildman of Harad, 2 Black Numenoerian, 3 Black
Numenoerian Elites, 1 Shaman
Haradwaith spawns:
Castle 1:1 Haradrim, 1 Wildman of Harad
Castle 2: 2 Haradim, 1 Wildman of Harad
Castle 3: 2 Haradrim, 2 Wildman of Harad
Castle 4: 2 Haradrim, 2 Wildman of Harad, 1 Black Numenorian
Castle 5: 2 Haradrim, 2 Wildman of Harad, 1 Black Numenorian, 1 Black Numenorian Elite
Far Harad (New) spawns:
Castle1: 1 Troll-Man of Harad
Castle2: 2 Troll-man of Harad
Castle3: 3 Troll-men of Harad, 1 Harashin
Castle4: 4 Troll-men of Harad, 1 Harashin, 1 Mumakil
Castle5: 5 Troll-men of Harad, 1 Harashin, 1 Mumakil
Umbar (New) spawn:
Castle1: 2 Pirates, 1 Corsair of Umbar
Castle2: 4 Pirates, 2 Corsairs of Umbar, 1 Black Numenorian
Castle3: 4 Pirates, 2 Corsairs of Umbar, 2 Black numenorians, 1 Shaman
Castle4: 4 Pirates, 2 Corsairs of Umbar, 1 Black numenorian, 2 Black Numenorian Elites, 1 Shaman
Castle5: 4 Pirates, 3 Corsairs of Umbar, 1 Black Numenoerian, 3 Black Numenoerian Elites, 1
TLDR: Harad spawns one more wildman of harad at level 3,4 and 5. but spawns one less haradrim
at level 5. Harad now spawns one more Troll-Man of Harad and one more
Black Numenoerian Elite at level 5.

-Added to Khamul the Easterling (second nazgul) an ultimate ”Commence the Attack” wich buff the
commence abillitey. Now commence does not only improve the moral of the forces of Minas
Morgul and Mordor, But also strikes fear into the men of middle earth. Commence now lowers all
Gondor, Dol Amroth and Rohan units adn heroes damage by 20% within the range of the standard
commence spell.
-The fourth Nazgul Dispell skill is now an level 4 Ultimate, and causes target units to lose 80 mana
in addition to dispelling the target area.
-New ultimate added for 4 of the Nazgul who had no ultimate. Ultimate is called ”Ethereal Armor”
with following description. ”The ethereal bodies of the nazgul are hard to wound with material
weapons suchs as arrows and swords. The nazgul absorbs 20 damage from every physical attack. ”

-Mordors starting food is now 77 instead of 84. The following changes where made:
-Shelob now cost 1 food. Used to cost 3 food.
-Grond now cost 1 food, Used to cost 5 food.
-1 Sami-Hai troll added
-1 Orc bowman added.
-1 Black-Uruk of Mordor
-1 Axethrower
-Undun spawn renamed to morannon and moved to the outside of black gates.
-Gorbag now has chain heal.
-Removed Cirith Gorgor and added a new base in the Dead marches instead (capturable). Dead
marches does not build units like Cirith Gorgor did but there is a Slavers market next to
Dead marches that does sell units (killable).
-Black Uruk of Mordor spell "Defensive Stance" has changed, it does no longer stop the unit own
movement or attack and can therefor more easily be used in battle or before a
battle is about to start without to much micro managment from the player.
-Badruiks ”War Stomp” is renamed to ”War Slam” since its not a stomp, also it gains +50 AoE every
level but -10 damage level 3.


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