Battle For middle Earth 3.2

This post will be updated with more stuff

Eagles are weird they're not worth having. Their attack animation is too slow so they nearly never shoot at running units, and t heir dps is horrible their bash seems to have gotten less than before? they're fast scouts and thats what i will be using them for.
Rhun is a deathtrap, north needs some kind of near harad where you can position yourself. (for good and evil)
make wain stomp based on cd only instaed of mana, like every 2 minutes or so their stomp is extremely powerful if used properly.
I think either mordor or easter needs a spellcaster

You have to work so hard as good to win compared to evil, as good side you NEED to micro properly to win (thats why pubs lose so often as good) but i dont really know a fix for it or if it should be fixed....... Even if you are a much better player as long as evil can group uses spells properly and dont run in alone. It takes a while to grind them down. IF i was evil playing the exact same players i would have secured or won the game withini 5-10 min, while as good i still have to be careful not to screw up. This is prob the case that it is MUCH easier to contain as evil compared to good.
The fact that gandalf/fs matters so much also complicates things.

Naz WAVE should take 10 more mana so its 90
Check starfall cd on galadriel< kugel
song of gondor may need a bit more range it seems kinda short atm
Kugel suggested making the trueshot aura rather be a spell you have to activate(seems reasonable enough)
Frost arrow either needs a slight nerf or take MUCH more mana something like 10% nerf on lvl 2 and 3  lvl 1 seems fine (need to know the specific stats as i cant remember right now, but  i think its 70% ms at lvl 3)

link lvl 3 seems VERY strong
maybe nerf lvl 1 plague by reducing the aoe a bit, since nerfing dm isnt possible. (1% is too little)
Archers/ranged seems a bit too slow? maybe a slight MS incrase to them since archers after all had minimal armor to be able to move quickly around the battlefield, rohan spearmen/archer sshould probably be like 5% faster than other well..guess elven archers should be same speed then. Rememeber to increase speed of evil ranged units then.  But when i think about it it may be imba when chasing heroes, This needs consideration.
kugel said: make ithilien ranger melee mode not have medium armor but heavy instead but rather have low armor
I think near harad needs some slight editing it feels a bit clunky and clumsy at the moment to position yourself properly there, making the building quite a bit smaller would also help.
easter banner nerf.
3/1/1 on imra seems too strong how is it compared to owyn?
Gondor has some kind of command aura? in addition to standard of gondor. Whats that from? (were in osg at the time) actually yyou have it wherever you are is  this in addition to the 15 % standard gives you? is that why the +dmg seems so high? or does the standard give 2 auras???
NErf crebain sight range slightly.
one of the evil towers at osg is hidden behind a building. (the one that spawns when you kill those start buildings)
hirluins lvl 1 and 2 summon need to be stronger +1 dog also i really want to pick it but on the first two levels it has very very limited use.
Make that wyrm have a bit more dps? except devouring and casting howl it isnt amazing.
Plague cd is very short also i noticed. +20 or so secs more i guess.
check starting food of all races. ( I had 40 food as gondor when i barely had units????
Dunedains have far too much mana(in addition to their dm hp and all that they are borderline op)
Osgiliath should get a slight hp nerf (250 or something)
Regarding haldir aura you can give him a command aura  similar to ugluk. Im thinkin haldir aura could be 10 20 30, and ugluks could be 15 25 35, (since i thikn elves attack faster overall compared to uruks.
Let tb get loaded onto boat?
Ring gala has much longer cd on heal so she doesnt really get any more powerful (normal heal is better since it has shorter cd
make shagrats early summon better.
Kurgaths summon skill should be 2 4 6 since lvl 3 atm is useless nearly
is haze dispellable?
Rohan spearmen are slower than normal archers, their start dm is also worse. their ability could be buffed to 20-25%
fara net cd could be better its not  the super stun it once was.
Sharku net takes no mana.
Ugluk aura should be 10/20/30

^these suggestions may bne horrible blah blah blah i will edit in more.

we're probably gona do some more beta testing this weekend.
depending on the beta test it should be released fairly soon
Well, I'm installing wc3 right now, so hope I can catch some beta-testing XD If u don't have enougth ppl :S