Muma priority
5% AS nerf to imra aura may be considered,
Owynan aura should possibly also be nerfed by 5%
Owynan summon hotkey should be C
kugel said: SOMEHOW IT FEEEEELS LIke the corinir ulti affects melee to *hissssssssssss*
swordsmen of dol amroth has too high dm
Replace the orc units easter starts with at dol goldur with footmen.
Gwaers aura is 5/10 5/15 10/20, either buff gwaers aura or buff imras to an equal level, since dol already has units that do much more dps
How strong is pirate of umbar in relation to other units? or are they just supposed to be a cheap version of a footman ?
Lumber mill should be 1 size smaller.
move the isen creeps so they are near the river. Would make them more accessible for both sides.
Grish+CO starting position (think you done this) remember to also move rohan units if you move them.
Move those mountain giant creeeps so they face north west. Would be less out of ones way and easier to just ''pick up and take''
Move/nerf dead marshes creeps. Dunno where you could mvoe them when i think about it...but theyre still pretty annoyigng when walking past /a moving remove their poison maybe. they are already too strong comp to other spots.
OR you could also make it like that gwaer creep spot, spots like troll and those spiders are only once a game, and all the creep spots that respawn are neutral with possibility for both races to take. Like remove the respawn of those troll creeps near khand but also remove those dol bandits, and have only that island that respawns for dol/harad. Can also have that middle creep spot that fs creeps in start as only start creep, would reduce power and availability of powerlvling heroes like ara/gand that really has no oppurtunity to do, much cause of strength of evil creeps and the fact that gand has the highest dps in game+nice dmg spells so easy solo creep.
All easter unit priority
Possible to remove orc/troll/wolf/spider from dol goldur and rather spawn footmen/javelin and brign back those beastmasters without taunt, and instead of taunt something like 5 basic dm reduction on all attacks, 20% spell resistance 25-40 normal dm(without grades) heavy armor 800 ish hp. yes yes lore and all that shit dg must spawn orcs blah blah blah. Fuck lore. orcs just die and theyre not fun to use at all. Those beastmasters would spawn in larger quantities mid-late. (also with footmen/jav spawning in such great numbers would be good looking over their stats to see if they are useful!)
With a stronger easter army it would be plausible to nerf plague by 25% or something. Making ova less important and all that ..which is good(if that mana regen change is cumming.
Easterlings start with 15-19 dm 5 armor MEDIUM ARMOR (makes them horrible against other melee) , while gondor footmen 22-23(or something like taht) dm heavy armor 5 armor
Variags should also be considered giving a buff, cause except for surrounding and meat shield youre never afraid of them they do so little dps. A buff is probably needed(reduce summon skill of kurgath if youre buffing them)
Javelineers aren't undead.
Nightmare on nazgul should take 10 less mana.
5% ms aura to harad if they hold near harad.
Trueshot aura should only affect elves
^many of these ssuggestions are written while in game and may just be horrible.
5% AS nerf to imra aura may be considered,
Owynan aura should possibly also be nerfed by 5%
Owynan summon hotkey should be C
kugel said: SOMEHOW IT FEEEEELS LIke the corinir ulti affects melee to *hissssssssssss*
swordsmen of dol amroth has too high dm
Replace the orc units easter starts with at dol goldur with footmen.
Gwaers aura is 5/10 5/15 10/20, either buff gwaers aura or buff imras to an equal level, since dol already has units that do much more dps
How strong is pirate of umbar in relation to other units? or are they just supposed to be a cheap version of a footman ?
Lumber mill should be 1 size smaller.
move the isen creeps so they are near the river. Would make them more accessible for both sides.
Grish+CO starting position (think you done this) remember to also move rohan units if you move them.
Move those mountain giant creeeps so they face north west. Would be less out of ones way and easier to just ''pick up and take''
Move/nerf dead marshes creeps. Dunno where you could mvoe them when i think about it...but theyre still pretty annoyigng when walking past /a moving remove their poison maybe. they are already too strong comp to other spots.
OR you could also make it like that gwaer creep spot, spots like troll and those spiders are only once a game, and all the creep spots that respawn are neutral with possibility for both races to take. Like remove the respawn of those troll creeps near khand but also remove those dol bandits, and have only that island that respawns for dol/harad. Can also have that middle creep spot that fs creeps in start as only start creep, would reduce power and availability of powerlvling heroes like ara/gand that really has no oppurtunity to do, much cause of strength of evil creeps and the fact that gand has the highest dps in game+nice dmg spells so easy solo creep.
All easter unit priority
Possible to remove orc/troll/wolf/spider from dol goldur and rather spawn footmen/javelin and brign back those beastmasters without taunt, and instead of taunt something like 5 basic dm reduction on all attacks, 20% spell resistance 25-40 normal dm(without grades) heavy armor 800 ish hp. yes yes lore and all that shit dg must spawn orcs blah blah blah. Fuck lore. orcs just die and theyre not fun to use at all. Those beastmasters would spawn in larger quantities mid-late. (also with footmen/jav spawning in such great numbers would be good looking over their stats to see if they are useful!)
With a stronger easter army it would be plausible to nerf plague by 25% or something. Making ova less important and all that ..which is good(if that mana regen change is cumming.
Easterlings start with 15-19 dm 5 armor MEDIUM ARMOR (makes them horrible against other melee) , while gondor footmen 22-23(or something like taht) dm heavy armor 5 armor
Variags should also be considered giving a buff, cause except for surrounding and meat shield youre never afraid of them they do so little dps. A buff is probably needed(reduce summon skill of kurgath if youre buffing them)
Javelineers aren't undead.
Nightmare on nazgul should take 10 less mana.
5% ms aura to harad if they hold near harad.
Trueshot aura should only affect elves
^many of these ssuggestions are written while in game and may just be horrible.