Troll dps is HORRIBLE try killing buildigns with them
maybe their default dm should be better(nerf abilities) or make their dm siege, since they are trolls afterall, or maybe trolls are supposed to be useless against buildings..., also their collission seem funky/horrible thought i had a surround on a hero but he slipped past the model
Collission sizes on many units seem very weird tbh may be just that i suck at surrounding properly. Small size units seem really hard to surround with footmen/black orcs etc but may just be cause i played a few games where i totally failed at surrounding xD But many units seem to have model size and collission a bit wrong.
Make winds/call of the dead channeling? so you cant interrupt them when youre ordering groups with ovatha/mouth in, not really a balance but more would be nice it takes a while to learn if youre new that moving cancels it
(would make it easier for pubs)
also HOLY FUCK fs and all those ground units are slow after palying sc2 make ms a good deal faster <3 makes it mroe fun to walk through that ...effing desert in harad. (yes i know you're alredy buffing speed just supporting your change!)
More ms on catas? so slow
when im gondor/good i just kill them since theyre so immobile as you need to exploit your mobility vs evil, unless youre turtling hard or going for an attack on morgul theyre kinda useless.... since you wont wait for catapults to attack isengard f.ex since gondor's /any good side cept rohan units OWNNNNNNNN towers anways. guards,founts etc rapes every tower, which again may be why evil struggles so much lategame all those defend units/units taht are resistant to piercing completely nullifies evil ranged attacks, making chokes even mroe powerful for good side.
...will update more. later.