Battle For middle Earth 3.2

lord_Turin said:
yes you know.. i know those facts.. since we carved the game to act like that.
doesn't change what I said.

Besides I don't think yellow heroes need any buffing, I agree that manashield shud be removed, but adding evasion is too much buffing imo, also tb shud have removed stomp for a passive imo, since 3 spells on a str hero is too much.
Give carycan mana ward instead of passive ftw

give some evil hero a dark swarm spell  aaaaa^ maybe give carycan or someone else it.

(with dark swarm i mean somthing similare to point defence drone in sc2)
mana ward sounds redicouly imba.. goth has that in rw..
harad hero party is already strong too.. just slightly lacking mana but if you boost their mana regen with that ward they will become very dangerous at lvl 3+
lord_Turin said:
mana ward sounds redicouly imba.. goth has that in rw..
harad hero party is already strong too.. just slightly lacking mana but if you boost their mana regen with that ward they will become very dangerous at lvl 3+

oh ye sorry for the confusion i ment it having mana flare as skill.
Sounds great=) Cant wait to play, also, maybe add a elite unit purchaser for Mordor in Udun with better elites like trolls or something?
axethrowers are really good units. and you should get pikemen when going north towards rohan who has lots of riders. or if imrahil is summoning riders and has lots of them. pikemen are real good units too, if use properly.
selling trolls/elites would be really imba even for high wood prices because isen can mass wood.
that said, you can already build trolls at the two towers of barad-dur. for 500/750 for normal and armored trolls respectively.
Lorien looks a bit funky, doesn't really seem good yet to funnel armies through. seems like its extremely easy for good side to flank if theyre mvoing through.
Reduce range on TB's entangle, considering he has sprint also. either reduce entangle range or remove sprint
nazgul ring should only give +1 armor
Remember to reduce armor gain each lvl
Protector sight range.
an extra naz spell
You can remove those spiders from easterlings(can't remember if they still spawn) 400 hp +shitty dm is useless, only decent thing is taht poison
Are you giving some kind of bigger black orc to mordor lategame? cause you just suicide those lategame...
ms on imra aura is 5/10/15 make it 5/10/10 instead? or 0/5/10
Tranquility cd
now that armor is beign reduced maybe take a look at items and their +dm and + armor shit
I dont like that commence/beacon is so deciding, make 20% dm gain(nerf mana regen also) 5% less speed on beacon, increase starting evil dm by 1-3 to compensate (if it was for me i would totally remove beacon/commence but thats too much of a change i guess.
Is it possible to make defend on uruks when its activated give some kind of effect? like something glowing around them........ since it impossible to see unless you see them move if they have activated defend or not.
Standard of gondor is too strong ... is it really just 15%? seems like 20-25 anyways should make it 10% and 1 armor
Im gonna edit it mroe stuff...
TURIN/NWG CHECK OLD 3.1 THREAD FOR TIIIIIIIIIIPS???????????????? edit: oh nvm half your list is copied from my OP about imrpovements to 3.1
those little spider actually do alot of dm... with the prison u can summon 5 of em and kill galadriel just with the summons in a few seconds <.<
however they stil die to waves just like orcs
Increase the Mana pool on Beacon to 10000 - anytime they're not using it, they can save up for extra uses of it...
Make it start at 440 mana
Add a cooldown of 100 seconds

Change tooltips to add in spell cooldowns ( Doesn't take long or hard to do )
Lorien looks a bit funky, doesn't really seem good yet to funnel armies through. seems like its extremely easy for good side to flank if theyre mvoing through.
Reduce range on TB's entangle, considering he has sprint also. either reduce entangle range or remove sprint
nazgul ring should only give +1 armor
Remember to reduce armor gain each lvl
Protector sight range.
an extra naz spell
You can remove those spiders from easterlings(can't remember if they still spawn) 400 hp +shitty dm is useless, only decent thing is taht poison
Are you giving some kind of bigger black orc to mordor lategame? cause you just suicide those lategame...
ms on imra aura is 5/10/15 make it 5/10/10 instead? or 0/5/10
Tranquility cd
now that armor is beign reduced maybe take a look at items and their +dm and + armor shit
I dont like that commence/beacon is so deciding, make 20% dm gain(nerf mana regen also) 5% less speed on beacon, increase starting evil dm by 1-3 to compensate (if it was for me i would totally remove beacon/commence but thats too much of a change i guess.
Is it possible to make defend on uruks when its activated give some kind of effect? like something glowing around them........ since it impossible to see unless you see them move if they have activated defend or not.
Standard of gondor is too strong ... is it really just 15%? seems like 20-25 anyways should make it 10% and 1 armor
Im gonna edit it mroe stuff...

i actualy had already done most of this stuff. and yes i checked the old topics and picked things out i found important.
tranq cd is a good one thou.

over the last couple of days i've edited lorien slightly more increase the entrance sizes also up the river so a backstab can be taken care off. it shouldnt be to easy to take too. and just scout for backstab... pala/crebain or a single unit..

and about the item thing i actualy like items more now, because they are valueable. there only used to be a a few good items. now there are alot more armor concidering.

I'll recheck gond banner.

use dispell against commence.

i'll tell you a little secret, those little spiders? are just as fast as rohan riders.. outside gandy (and air) they are fastest units in the map.

already did the armor thing.. actualy.. i'll make another post with a recent update list.

Choi those are retarded ideas. stacking beacon so you can beacon twice.. would be so retarded imba..
its cooldown is 440 seconds atm. and start beacon is useless. i think it starts at 400 mana. 40 seconds is to long wait for you? most people havent even grouped their heros+demis in 40 seconds. And i dont see reason to add cooldown time to tooltip, will only add KBs to the map.
-mt nerfing (gondorian archers -dmg) less space for sentry tower.
-Dunharrow slightly more open
-lorien crossing remade, 'new' entrance for guldor/lorien
-nerfed barad/black gate towers hp.
-Boromir horn is a unit skill for easier use.
-Lower hp of commence tower slightly (750) 3000->2250
-Gamling banner doesnt effect all anymore
-changed HD pathing slightly, to get up towards the Main.
-Nerfed goods late game (Royal,founts,champions) improved Soldiers dmg slightly.
-Buffed evil late game slightly. Stronger isen berserkers/pikemen and easterling units.
-Buffed Dagger for grima/gothmog (higher levels more ms reduction, decay time from 3->2)
-isen heros (grima new spell(-armor howl 2/4/6), lightning -dmg 0/20/40 dmg -2 targets lvl3, silence 5/6,5/8 ->4/5/6, instant heal for lurtz, summon crebain for lurtz)
-edo now is higher ground.
-fara ms aura nerf. 5/10/15 -> 0/5/10
-harad demi/thandruil now have inverntory
-loreth ms balanced
-easter swordsman +4 dmg heavy armor
-javelineer +40 hp
-nerf gandies AOE spells slightly
-replace saru cripple with siphon mana
-khand remade
-nerfed edo/rhun thorns by 5%, 25->20%
-armor upgrade +1, isntead of +2 and some +3..
-+10 ms(5%) too all units/heros
-devour damage down 60->40
-oaks/huorns can't be devoured
-naz ring +1 armor
-lorien archer skill (100->75 dmg 2->1 sec stun)
-remove pulv protectors
-frenzy (ova)15 mana

-nerf brill, increase mana regen all heros/demis.
-find replacement gala MANA shield
-denethor ulti, mana flare ward
-check gondor banner
-tranq cooldown
-an extra spell for ..4th naz
-replace TBs entangle spell by a passive. (frost arrow/rope/throw rock are enough stuns for 1 race in my eyes)

Troll dps is HORRIBLE try killing buildigns with them :p maybe their default dm should be better(nerf abilities) or make their dm siege, since they are trolls afterall, or maybe trolls are supposed to be useless against buildings..., also their collission seem funky/horrible thought i had a surround on a hero but he slipped past the model

Collission sizes on many units seem very weird tbh may be just that i suck at surrounding properly. Small size units seem really hard to surround with footmen/black orcs etc but may just be cause i played a few games where i totally failed at surrounding  xD But many units seem to have model size and collission a bit wrong.
Make winds/call of the dead channeling? so you cant interrupt them when youre ordering groups with ovatha/mouth in, not really a balance but more would be nice it takes a while to learn if youre new that moving cancels it:p (would make it easier for pubs)

also HOLY FUCK fs and all those ground units are slow after palying sc2 make ms a good deal faster <3 makes it mroe fun to walk through that ...effing desert in harad. (yes i know you're alredy buffing speed just supporting your change!)
More ms on catas? so slow :( when im gondor/good i just kill them since theyre so immobile as you need to exploit your mobility vs evil, unless youre turtling hard or going for an attack on morgul theyre kinda useless.... since you wont wait for catapults to attack isengard f.ex since gondor's /any good side cept rohan units OWNNNNNNNN towers anways. guards,founts etc rapes every tower, which again may be why evil struggles so much lategame all those defend units/units taht are resistant to piercing completely nullifies evil ranged attacks, making chokes even mroe powerful for good side. 

...will update more. later.
founts founts dont rape towers...
i'll post more later. got school now :P
be careful not to nerf good/buff evil to much - we just had it the other way around before
regarding buff good/evil the problem is evils late sucks compared to good. Start  is in favour of evil if the good side team isnt organized, good side can hold onto their defensive position if they are organized. In a battle early evil wins, much cause of naz tanking and stomping that gathered with the other low hp units of good side. While evil starts with a bunch of strong units like mumakils/trolls/trollemen/harashin. This advantage evens out after the first battle if good held and evil/good gets pretty much an equal army,
good side still in a defensive position can hold on until their imba army kicks in, if they haven't been weakend sufficieent they will roll over evil with their superior army. the good>evil imbalance comes from that in privs good are able to hold, maybe lose slightly more than evil but when founts and all those other ''super'' units kick in the tide turns quite dramatically, strengthening evil lategame is a pretty clear solution, but then one must also consider that minor changes to evil start must be made. Like slightly weakening evil start; 1 less troll on mordor, 2 less numenorians on harad, 1 less black uruk elite on isen, less armor on naz so they can tank less, 1 less wain. < or replace them with weaker units like trollman > pirate

But doing this means that you also have to make good/evil army more equal mid-late since evil wont get such a big advantage if any in start. It doesn't sound that good, but the balance will be pretty similar with a more  dynamic gameplay and a possibility for evil to actually make a comeback that doesnt include getting sauron or good side making stupid mistakes. The main fact is that this would solve the problem of evil winning 80% of pubs, even though you shouldn't balance after them one should consider improving them with something that won't really affect the competivness of potential private games.

Edit: NEW SPELL FOR GALA/NAZ, an aoe slow that only affects units? would really pawn <3 probably most efficient with naz cause gala ...wi...hmm would make fangorn choose between wave/heal/aoe slow <3 oh well
Beregrond summon on atleast lvl 1 seems really short
problem is that we've lost a controle skill level.. i mean in a pub a good gondor can hold mordor/easter/naz solo.
but in an avarage pub mordor steamroles gondor with ease. and another note is taht naz will easier team up with gondor then fs wil team up with gondor because hes so far off. most pubs have no sense of tactics and 3 race isen into defence while gondor/dol is losing to harad/mordor/naz while easter is suiciding into lorien. and gond/dol are nubs because they cant hold. its just so retarded hard to make a good balance between having a good pub or a good priv game. semi privs are always(99% of the times) decided by the worse player making a mistake or not listening. i think nerfing evil start might result in a stalemate at start because no side really can tip the scale. and then isen is pritty much fucked because he can only camp. if he moved out he gets 3 race beacon pwned. zzz... we need to talk riz :p get ur lazy ass online on regulair times
Dol's demi armor aura should only affect dol.
Is far Harad being high ground intentional?
Add tooltips to forlong ulti so we know how much it gives. Think it says when youre picking it but not when you hav altreadty picked it
Grond should only give 2 extra armor +3 is quite insane