Battle For middle Earth 3.2


Sep 11, 2009
Crab Champion 2010
So i've got bored. even before next week hits.
so i started talking with nwg/kugel about next BFME ver. we got a list together and I set out to make some changes.

-mt nerfing (gondorian archers -dmg) less space for sentry tower.
-Dunharrow slightly more open
-lorien crossing remade, 'new' entrance for guldor/lorien
-nerfed barad/black gate towers hp.
-Boromir horn is a unit skill for easier use.
-Lower hp of commence tower slightly (750) 3000->2250
-Gamling banner doesnt effect all anymore
-changed HD pathing slightly, to get up towards the Main.
-Nerfed goods late game (Royal,founts,champions) improved Soldiers dmg slightly.
-Buffed evil late game slightly. Stronger isen berserkers/pikemen and easterling units.
-Buffed Dagger for grima/gothmog (higher levels more ms reduction, decay time from 3->2)
-isen heros (grima new spell(-armor howl 2/4/6), lightning -dmg 0/20/40 dmg -2 targets lvl3, silence 5/6,5/8 ->4/5/6, instant heal for lurtz, summon crebain for lurtz)
-edo now is higher ground.
-fara ms aura nerf. 5/10/15 -> 0/5/10
-harad demi/thandruil now have inverntory
-loreth ms balanced
-easter swordsman +4 dmg heavy armor
-javelineer +40 hp
-nerf gandies AOE spells slightly
-replace saru cripple with siphon mana
-khand remade
-nerfed edo/rhun thorns by 5%, 25->20%

-ms to all
-nerf brill, increase mana regen all heros/demis.
-find replacement gala MANA shield

Suggest anything you'dd like to have changed. not that i listen to everything. but still...
after bfme is inactive u fainnaly realize u should remove mana shield. perhaps just make it simple and put an aura (to allies also) thorns aura 8%/12%/16%
notify still ppl wont level this more then 1 level probably due to heal and wave being more important
ye finaly got rid of clan bfme now we can really start up.....
its more boredom. that im doing this. but nothing would stop the heal/wave combination unless u give her another imba skill which would make fang even more imba. so we wont. but probably a passive which can be usefull lategame. but not imba. so no auras. good has enough buffs already.
What about some kind of earthquake for Gala? To but-rape Isen when he spamm towers/burrows close to main

Lore info: After Sauron perished, Celeborn led the host of Lórien across the Anduin and captured Dol Guldur. Galadriel came forth and "threw down its walls and laid bare its pits"
an anti building skill seems like a really useless thing to me.
working on units would be a no go. fang already has multiple slows/stuns.

The terrain changes are small balancements.
-Lorien crossing is now easier for evil to use without them having to get lorien first.
-Khand is closer and more open so can be attack with far harad.
-Dol is just a minor edit, woth calembell moving a bit down and making the crossing between lamedon/calembell a bit bigger. and the brigde will only serve its flanking and fleeing needs.(people who actualy attack over that bridge are idiots..)
Then what about a evasion/ms passive? Ofc, it would make her a bit evil at chasing, but at the same time a good target, if she gets too far ahead of everybody else
evasion might be a fair idea. ms boost might be a bit to strong in combination with nenya and haldir frost arrow.
lord_Turin said:
ye finaly got rid of clan bfme now we can really start up.....
Thanks for those nice words.

Freekill said:
Then what about a evasion/ms passive? Ofc, it would make her a bit evil at chasing, but at the same time a good target, if she gets too far ahead of everybody else
crit is quite.. erh, useless on gala, as she's not really a dps, and at the same time it's not that smart to have gala in front line, as it's your only healer as fang, and if she get stunned or so, you got no healers to heal, and therefor she's quite easy to pick off as naz or just someone with stun. + You don't need to be in frontline to wave or heal, which is basically galas job.
we'll we're talking about adding something more usefull then mana shield. which is basicly anything.
evasion would be nic on a healer means she has to heal herself less from normal unit damage.

its quite nice to have gala in front line when chasing heros.. nenya. healbomb. wave.
Gala doesn't need to hit to use heal of wave, just for your information. Yes nenya is good in hunts, but that's only for the slow, not the damage, nenya is used for slowing the enemy hero, so rest of your units/heroes can catch up and finish him off.
yes you know.. i know those facts.. since we carved the game to act like that.
20% eva is not gona matter late game.. because most of the damage is done by spells anyway.
UNLESS WE MAKE A SPELL EVASION!!! WOOOOOT 20% chance to evade wave/stomp/ulti damage!!.........
or better give her something similar to sadist? like she gets mana every time she gets a kill. or is that too OP for someone with a heal? could be a small amount..
if you want i can grant you temp access on cryptwizard bot so you can upload and try beta
we havent reached that stage yet, but would appreciate that when we get there :)