Ban request


Nov 6, 2010
If you see anything that is not allowed ( suicide, team kill,ect....) please post it here with:

-name of the player


The admin will ban if he finds a reason to do it.
Mearl keeps leaving early because he doesn't want to play against good ppl, he called us nerds and left before any kills happened. He also is usually afk for the entire game so we gotta votekick him.
He should be back, but dunno. Haven't added him to my MSN yet, even tho I have had his mail for ages :S Just relax, he's french, it's not his fault ;)
my bad - was my wc3 who bugged, besides watched the replays @callmemrflyy red left before he suicided, dunno about banning tho, as I recall he was good those games I played with him, I'd say give him another chance - I did just love wlus(mord) comment about me tho <3.
@second replay, you need anca to ipban him - secondly his name shud be banned now (hopefully) - just makes him go on a fake prob tho.
Regarding game 1: You serious? no one in that game had enough skill to control both fs and gondor simultanously, the game was already over after first attack no reason to be dragging it out. Mrfly is a good enough player that will just get better, if anything you guys should use some sense and not stack teams to the so extreme if you want people not to leave so early. Support 100% what mrfly said.

Regarding game 2: Good to see pubs getting better, but people still give up too fast on both games, i guess mearl is supposed to be already banned for a while so it's not really anything to comment.
fetusman said:

LOL, that game was mega stacked not weird he does what he does if you dont care to balance the teams , no ONE in team 1 besides fs knew how to play.

Besides Sanadra or wtf wlus new name is hes so lol. He calls elessar a douche for him telling him the truth. WLU keept complaining about a guy in a game with us when he was not at all playing better then they guy he complained at, and ele mentioned it and said he should not talk, and he got mad lol.

however mearls ban is justified..

@Anca im not 100% sure but i think if you ban by name its just in the server you ban him in, but im not sure.

You gotta add the Ipblacklist.txt to ur ghost folder and add mearls IP to IP ban him, the list also includes known proxys.
and adding ip-to-country to the ghost folder will alove you to see what nations the players are ingame / inlobby by !from command. (these files are not included by cryptwizard)
Jonas: Adding those measures just makes it harder to get around a ban. In no way does it make it impossible. And if someone knows enough to get around a simple measure, such as a name/ip ban well.. They'll find another way. In other words, it's the age old war between coders & crackers. Not saying it won't keep some people away, but it seems to me that this fight isn't worth the energy people put into it.
Jerrin said:
Jonas: Adding those measures just makes it harder to get around a ban. In no way does it make it impossible. And if someone knows enough to get around a simple measure, such as a name/ip ban well.. They'll find another way. In other words, it's the age old war between coders & crackers. Not saying it won't keep some people away, but it seems to me that this fight isn't worth the energy people put into it.

ofc... everyone knows that, still its worth it ipban has proven to make people give up before... since most people are nuubs.. and adding an ip to an list goes fast and effortless anyway...
Wc3 is low on players mate. You should be teaching new gamers or fail ones good gaming manners rather than just banning them. :P
the ppl that get banned are retards. dont blame them, blame their parents. but still they only fuck up games.
takes a lot less energi to ban them, then to try forcing them to do something they don't want to.